Coffee - Bucky Barnes

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A/N: I know I posted this on my other book already but people read this more and I kinda enjoyed writing this story and also I like how it turned out so I decided to also post it on here. Anyways, enjoy I guess


You breathed slowly in and then exhaled. You lifted your face up, looking up to the sky and closed your eyes. You felt how the drops of water hit your face and then rolled down along the little curves of your face. You breathed in fresh and damp air. It felt nice in your lungs.

You stood in the middle of the road at the quiet part of Brooklyn. It was 2 A.M. and all the lights from the buildings around you were turned off as a sign of people sleeping. You thought that at this time the city was at it's most beautiful state. You got an old-ish vibe when you looked at the effect that the street light made with the rain. It felt like the world jumped back in time to the 50's.

You continued walking down the road, making your way towards the little coffeehouse around the corner that almost no one really notices. It's a small place and nothing really special, but for you it was perfect. It was open the whole 24 hours, which was great for you.

You walk through the green wooden doors and the little bell above the door goes off, informing of your presence. You saw Bob, the owner of the shop sitting right behind the desk, reading a newspaper like every night here. There was also another client, sitting at the corner table. He had a cup of coffee in front of him on the table. His expression was blank, like he was mentally somewhere else.

You didn't give it another thought. You walked over to Bob and ordered yourself a cup of your favorite kind of coffee and a little snack with it. You paid and sat down at the nearest table right by the window. You like to sit in front of the window when it's raining and watch how the drops race down the glass.

You took a sip of your coffee. It was fresh and hot. Just perfect for this kind of weather. The hot liquid spread hot waves all around your body, bringing a sense of comfortableness. This was your favorite way of spending the night, however it'd be more fun if you had your friends with you. You love your friends dearly but you are always the second choice for them, the third wheel. You were only needed when they were lonely or needed someone to talk to. They always shared their problems with you and you were there always to help them. You did love to help them, sure. You felt proud that they felt like they could trust you. But they never helped you with your problems. You just had to deal with all the shit yourself.

What if you went and introduced yourself to that stranger in the corner. He seemed like a chill person. A little mysterious, sure, but mysterious people intrigued you. "fuck it," you say to yourself and get up, bringing your coffee and half eaten snack with you over to the corner table. The guy didn't notice you approaching him until you were standing right in front of him. He snapped out of his thoughts and looked up at you, giving you a questioning gaze.

"Hi, can I sit here?" You ask politely, giving him a friendly smile. He looks around in the coffee shop, confused. As though he was searching for the reason you'd want to sit there with him. Then he gives you a slight nod as a response. It was enough for you and you sat down. A silence grew over the two of you as you both kept eyeing each other. Neither of you dared to say a word.

You examined the guy in front of you with your gaze. His hood was hiding some of his long-ish hair that was poking out of the hood, hanging in front of his face. He looked like he had gone through a lot of shit in his life. He had that look, you know? Maybe he had been in the army.

"Who are you?" You mumble the words out almost accidentally. Did that question just sound kind of rude? Maybe rephrasing it would be a good idea so he won't think you're a total weirdo. "I- I meant to ask your name. I'm y/n by the way."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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