A Long Day - Chris Wood

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I sit in my room in front of my desk, working on my computer. I fix my eye glasses whilst I write a paragraph on the screen. I've been working hard the whole day and it was getting darker outside. My head was aching so I had to rub my forehead every now and then, like it made any difference. I hadn't eaten anything since this morning, which is exactly twelve hours ago now. But I wasn't done for the day yet. I had to get this done.

The door behind me opened slowly and quietly, without me noticing a thing. Someone tiptoes over to me, puts their hands on my shoulders, scaring me to my core. With a scream I turn around, my gaze meeting Chris's, my boyfriend's. He was laughing at me like a little kid.

"God. You really scared me." I stated, turning back to my project, ignoring the man child behind me, who wanted desperately my attention.

"It's funny, c'mon." He groaned, now moving closer to my laptop and he sat on the edge of the desk, watching me write something again. It is very hard for me to focus on my work while someone is watching, because my mind wandered off the topic instead of concentrating on what I was typing.

"What are you doing here, Chris? You know I'm working." I ask, letting out a sigh as I look up at him.

He shrugged and smiled, "I was thinking you might be hungry and I made us dinner. So maybe you could-" I cut him off before he could finish his sentence by lifting up my index finger.

"Hold up, you made dinner?" I chuckle in doubt. He gave me his "that hurt" look but laughed with me anyway.

"You thought I couldn't do it."

"Are you sure it's eatable? I don't want food poisoning." I jokingly asked.

"I guess you have to see for yourself." He said, jumping off of the desk and walking out of my room. I decided to give in and leave my work. I was too intrigued to see what he had made.

Once I stepped in to the kitchen I was greeted by the smell of spaghetti bolognese. Out of all the meal options he had to choose spaghetti... it's easy to make, sure. I'm more concerned about the bolognese because last time I checked he could barely make a sandwich for himself. I take a look at it, afraid it'd look like something out of a horror movie, but instead it actually looked delicious. It even smelled good which is often a good sign. 

"Well?" Chris looks at me, a hopeful expression on his face.

"Smells good, but I have to taste it first before I can say for sure." I stated as I grabbed a plate for myself. My stomach was growling like a wolf, hungry for food. 

I put my plate full of food, trusting Chris a little bit. Or maybe it wasn't trust, maybe I was just so hungry that I didn't care what I was about to eat. He did give me a surprised look but I ignored him. I sit down and don't waste a minute. I start twirling spaghetti around my fork and carefully I put it in my mouth. It wasn't bad at all. I've completely underestimated his cooking skills.

"Wow," I say. "how in hell did you make this?" 

"I just followed the recipe." He chuckled softly, sitting down opposite of me. 

"Then from now on you can cook us dinner every day." I say, flashing him a wide smile, because I knew he would refuse as he did. His eyes widened in fear as he studied my face if I was serious. "I'm kidding, don't you worry. But you could make this even a monthly thing."

"I'll see what I can do." He grimaces. 

I was finished with the food in a matter of five minutes. I then washed the dishes, even his when he was done. He had disappeared from the kitchen during that time. I heard him doing something in the living room, which I didn't pay much attention to. 

Once I was done I wiped my hands to the kitchen towel. Then I suddenly feel a pair of arms snake around my waist. I could feel Chris's breath on my neck so I tilted my head to the side. He moved my hair away and kissed my neck softly. Then he turned me around in his arms and tenderly kissed my lips. Without warning he pulled away from the kiss and picked me up bridal style. I wrap my arms around his neck just in case.

Red led lights were the only ones that were on in the living room, giving it some kind of a mysterious-romantic vibe. He had gathered different pillows and blankets from around the house that the couch was now full of. He put me in the middle of the pillow world and I made myself comfortable quicker than the Flash would've. When he sat down I immediately tangle myself to him like a burdock. I wrap my arms around his muscular one as I lean against his shoulder. 

"What do you want to watch?" He asks as he just smiles at how cute I looked. 

"I'm feeling like something romantic." I state, looking up at him pleadingly. 

"Okay, fine." He says and scrolls down the romance genre on Netflix.

"The Notebook?" I suggest, knowing damn well what he would say.

"No way, not again. And if I ever see it again I'd rather just kill myself." He groans, almost like he was feeling physical pain. "We're either watching Yes Man or Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Take it or leave it."

"Jim Carrey movies? Sure. Either one is great." I replied, letting him choose which one this time.

We ended up watching Yes Man, which I was completely fine with. I've seen it once before. I cuddled up with him in a comfortable position what was very hard to reach. Every time I changed my position even a little my back started hurting or my side. It took me 15 minutes and a few annoyed looks from Chris to finally find the perfect one. I was practically sitting on his lap, leaning back against his chest. He was resting his chin on the top of my head and he had his arms wrapped around my body. I'd love to live the rest of my life just there.

During the film at some point I accidentally dozed off in his arms. Chris did notice when but he let me sleep. He watched the movie all the way to the end and when finished just turned off the TV. He fixed his position to slightly more comfortable, trying not to wake me up. He thought I deserved a good night's sleep after the long day I had had. So slowly he drifted off, too. 

And there we slept, me on top of Chris, in his arms. He had me secured that I wouldn't roll over and fall to the ground in the middle of the night. 

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