I'm Scared (part 2) - Steve Rogers

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You were out of breath. You were running down a little path in the woods. You pushed branches out of your way before they would've hit your face in an excruciating way. You almost tripped over because of a root sticking from the ground. You stumbled for a few steps but restored your balance.

You glanced over your shoulder. You knew something was chasing you, but what you didn't know is what it was. But you had to run, run as fast as you could. You wanted to stop to catch a breath, but you couldn't. You had to keep going.

Tears rolled down your cheeks and blurred your vision. That's when you hit something hard and big. It was a tree. You fell down on the ground with a loud thud. You tried to get up, but something took a tight grip on the collar of your t-shirt and pulled you up on your feet. You turned around quickly, just to be faced with your best friend, Clarissa.

"Clara, what... but you're dead?" You whispered.
She smirked, almost in an evil way, but why would she do that?
"Yes. I am dead," She admitted. "But who's fault is that?"
You felt a sharp pain of guilt in your chest. It's your fault.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked and started slowly circling around you. "I was your best friend."
A little gap appeared between your upper and lower lip as you thought what to respond. You were speechless. Was this real right now?

"You could've saved me, I would be alive if you would've just said something." Your best friend continued harassing you.
"I know..." you finally responded. "But I was afraid."
"Of what, (y/n)? That I would've left you? That I would've abandoned my best friend when she was struggling?" She mocked you.

That did sound ridiculous to your ear. Of course Clarissa would never had abandoned you. You have been best friends since the kindergarten. You promised each other nothing would come between your friendship. No dispute, no boy and definitely not any problem.

"You don't even know how sorry I am." You told her. "Will you forgive me?"
She stared right at you for a good moment in silence, like thinking whether she should forgive you or not.
"You're not forgiven." She replied, before turning on her heels and walking away.

You felt a slight panic rise inside your mind as you saw her slowly walking further and further away. You couldn't let her go again, not like this.
"Clara wait!" You exclaimed. You waited for her to stop and turn around but instead she just kept going.

You started running after her but it felt like you ran slower than she walked. She just disappeared more and more from you sight.
"Clara!" You almost scream. You kept screaming her name over and over and over again, reaching your hand toward her. It seemed like she didn't hear your shouts.

You woke up inhaling deeply. You looked around in the dark room and noticed a man sitting on the edge of your bed.
"S- Steve?" You mumble.
A sweet smile formed on his face, he looked kinda cute when he smiled.
"Yes, it's me." Said Steve sweetly.

"I heard you screaming so I rushed here." He told you.
Suddenly you felt embarrassed. It's been two months since Steve found you and this had happened almost every night.
"I'm sorry..." You apologized to him.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. Buck went through the same phase. Or that's what he told me. He only regretted going through it alone." Steve explained, smoothing your head.

You understood. Steve has helped you every single time. He made you feel safe. You can't even imagine how terrible it would be to stand this alone. All the guilt and thousands of questions. What could've I done to prevent this?

"It's good that you are here, then." You whispered a little bit shyly. Steve didn't seem to care much, his smile just widened. Maybe he actually liked helping you out with all... this. You didn't mind at all.

You stared each other in the eyes for a good while in almost complete silence. Only a little humming sound of air conditioner could be heard in the little bedroom of yours.

"We executing the plan tomorrow?" You then asked.
"Hmm?" Steve raised an eyebrow.
"The airport here in Berlin? From where we are supposed to get the Quinjet?" You asked, wanting to giggle at his expression of confusion on his face. He had been completely in another world.

"Uh, yeah. We are." He scratched the back of his neck. "Wanna tell me about your dream before we go back to sleep?" He asked, like every single time before, though you had always answered with a no. You were going to say no again, but instead you nodded. He raised his eyebrows in surprise, he wasn't expecting it either.

You took a deep breath and then just let it all out. You told him all the nightmares you've had in these two months. There weren't many, the same ones just kept replaying over and over again.

Once you were finished, he just wrapped his arms around you, closing you in his tight yet warm embrace. It made your heart flutter. Steve was genuinely very sweet and amazing person. He made you feel safe, and almost like- home.

"I know nightmares suck. Only way to get rid of them is to slay your demons." Said Steve soothingly as you sit up straight again from his embrace. You furrowed your brows. What does that mean?
"Whad do you mean? I don't know how to do that."

"It might sound simple, but it requires a lot of work and time. You just have to take a deep breath and say 'I am not scared'. Try it." He suggests. You give him the are-you-serious look. "Close your eyes."

You let out a sigh and closed your eyes then. At first it felt stupid and a little bit silly. "Breathe in." He instructed and you did as he said. "And out." You calmly exhaled. "Now say 'I'm not scared." He said.

"I am not scared." You repeated half seriously.
"C'mon (y/n), seriously." Steve sighed.
"Alright, alright." You said before you inhaled and exhaled again.

"I am not scared." You mumbled.
"Just let out your emotions." Steve told.
"I am not scared." You said. You could feel tears push through your closed eyelids. "I- I am n- I am..." You couldn't complete the sentence anymore. You just broke down. He catched you as you just lost your balance and fell onto his lap.

You wrapped your arms around his torso tightly and inhaled his scent as you cried. It felt calming, to be there with him. He was smoothing your back with his hand slowly. He whispered calmly in your ear "you're okay" and "I'm here".

You couldn't stop the tears flooding from your eyes for an hour straight. You had stopped only when you had fallen asleep. He stayed with you the rest of the night because he didn't want to wake you, thinking that you needed sleep. And you did sleep. You didn't see any more nightmares that night.

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