Secret Daughter - Chris Hemsworth

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Hey, I'm (y/n) and I'm about to tell y'all this crazy story, full of surprises, disappointment and a bit of happiness.

So, where should I start? I should probably tell something about my life, before I heard Chris Hemsworth was my father.

My life has been pretty good so far. I live in a house with my mother, big brother, father – or I thought he was –, and our little sheltie, called Mona. (Or if you have a dog it can be it, I don't care, it's up to you.)

I go to sophomore year in highschool and I have two best friends, (y/f/n) and (y/f/n). They're great. But it isn't the story you came here to read, right?

How I found out he was my father? Well, my mother slipped it out, because she was drunk. No, she was wasted. First she just muttered nonsense, until;

"This is why your father doesn't love you..." She muttered clearly enough for me to understand.
I got a little confused. I mean my "father" has said many times that he loves me.

"What do you mean mom? Paul loves me." I say.
She just rolls her eyes and takes another sip of her whiskey bottle.
I take it from my mother's hand and say, "that's enough.."

"Paul? No, I mean your real father." She muttered again, causing me to get more confused.

"But Paul is my real father?" I say.
I couldn't help but think was this all just alcohol or had she kept something as a secret from me. What if... What if Paul isn't my real father. Isn't she just telling me that?

"No he's not. That motherfucking Hemsworth is..." She mumbled, confirming my thoughts. But hold on a second... Did she say Hemsworth? It kinda sounds familiar, but I can't just now put together why. Maybe I should google it and find out.

I take out my phone and type Hemsworth to the google search.
I got three names. Luke, Chris and Liam Hemsworth. But how do I know does she mean someone of them? I bet there's more Hemsworths than these three.
So, I decided to try to get more information out of my mother.

"Hemsworth who?" I ask. She looked like she on the edge to pass out.
"Chris..." She was able to say, before she fell asleep.
I sigh. I then turn to look at the three Hemsworths on my phone screen. They were brothers I guess, and one of them was indeed Chris.

I tapped his profile and read some information about him.
Soon I was reading everything about him, that was possible.
I found out, that he has a wife and three kids. Wonderful. Does he even know I exist? I mean, I've never even met him and he doesn't look like a person who abandons his children.

I needed to make sure that he even was my father. My mother can easily say things that aren't true when she's drunk. I decided to ask Paul. I hope he would know.

I walked upstairs and to his office.
"Hey, Paul." I say as I opened the door.
He was on his desk, writing again on his laptop.
He turned around to face me.
"Yes, sweetheart?"

"Is Chris Hemsworth my father?" I ask.
The color drained from his face and he then stared at emptiness. He looked a little scared, that proved me that my mother was telling the truth.

"Is he?" I ask, demanding tone in my voice this time.
He looked up at me again. He took a deep breath, but hesitated before opening his mouth.
"Well... Uh... Yes." He replied.

Now anger boiled inside me. Why hadn't they told me? Chris is my father! At least I should know about this! And if I didn't know, probably Chris doesn't either.
"Alright." I say, turning on my heels and storming out of the room.

I run down the stairs.
I want to find him. No. I need to find him. I don't care what his reaction will be. I just think he deserves to know, that India wasn't his first born.
I slip my Nikes on and grab a jacket with me.

I just walk out of the house, slamming the door shut behind me.
Where was I going? I don't know. I just walked until I reached the bus stop near our house.
I had my bus card, that helped me to get to the New York City.

On the way I tried to DM him, but obviously he isn't checking his DMs. I got so desperate, that I even tried to DM his wife.
I don't know will I ever find him or will he ever respond to my texts. Probably not, but gotta keep my hopes high.

The clock was 2:14 AM when I made it to the downtown of NYC.
I had no idea what to do. I had money, but I didn't want to waste it on anything. It's just for food and traveling if that is necessary.

I google him again and find out he lives in Australia! Great​. How am I supposed to get there? Like I had enough money...
"God damnit!" I exclaim in frustration.

Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder, making me jump slightly.
"Are you okay, sweetheart? Are you lost?" I hear a woman's voice behind me.
I turn around to face her, recognizing her immediately. She was Chris' wife, Elsa Pataky. Can someone even be this lucky? No, but it's still true.

I stare at her for too long, because she got a little nervous.
"Um..." I say. "This might sound crazy, but I have to tell your husband something very important."

"Oh, yeah, sure you do." She said and was about to continue walking, but I stopped her by grabbing her wrist.
"I'm his daughter." I say.
She freezed still, before she turned around to face me again.

"You have to be joking. Chris doesn't have—" she says, but I cut her off. "He doesn't know. I didn't know before today. And– and I think he deserves to know." I explain as I let go of her wrist.

Long silence crept over us as she was thinking.
"You know, I just wanted to meet him and tell him in person, but of course you can tell him, too and we can just forget about this." I say, though it made me feel some pain in my chest. It felt like someone squeezed my heart for a second.

"Yes, that's probably for the best." She said before walking away. I didn't know did she believe me, but I hope she would even tell him.

I sigh as I turn around and walk back to the bus station to wait for a bus, that would go back to my neighborhood.
It would come in two hours, so I decided to by a sandwich and Pepsi can for myself.

I sit down on a bench in the station. I feel kinda sad. I just wanted to meet my real father, but seems like that ain't happening.

After I ate I opened Wattpad on my phone and started to read some werewolf stories, because I can. I just didn't really have anything to do and I wanted the time pass quicker.

"Hey." I hear someone say in front of me after over an hour of waiting. The man had Australian accent.
I look up to see another familiar face. Just this time it was my father. I mean, my real father. Chris Hemsworth.

"She told you?" Were the only words I was able to say. He gave me a smile before he nodded.
"Can I sit here?" He asks.
"It's a free country." I say and give him a little more room.

"What's your name?" He asks after he had sat down.
"It's (y/n). And my mother's name is (y/m/n), because I know you'll ask it." I reply.
He seems to recognize the name and sighs then deeply.

"I– I didn't even know you existed..." He said and shook his head.
"And I was lied to. They told me my mother's husband, Paul is my real father, but my mother told me the truth, because she was drunk..." I tell.

"This is so confusing..." He says.
"I know. I just thought you deserved to know. I– you don't need to be involved in my life if you don't want to... It's fine, I guess." I say.

"No, no, no. I do want to be involved and get to know you. It's just so sad I didn't know earlier..." He states. He looks so sad that I started to feel guilty, though I don't know why.

Then I just hugged him. It felt like hugging a stranger – that he actually is – but knowing that he's my father, it didn't feel so weird.
He hugged me back. I don't know exactly how long we stayed in that hug, but I had to pull away when the bus, that was supposed to take me home pulled over in front of the bus station.

"That's my ride. I gotta go... Can I give you my number so you can text me later if you want to meet again?" I ask. He just nodded and handed me his phone.
I type my number and save it, before handing his phone back.

"See you later, Chris!" I say and stand up.
"See you later, (y/n)." He said.
You headed towards the bus, which took you home.

A/n: I know it's kinda rushed at the end and it sucks and I'm sorry lol

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