Runaway Dog - Nick Bateman

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You were walking down the street one day. You just had finished your shift at work. The clock is 9 p.m. and  you should walk your dog when you get home.

Nothing wins a late night walk with your 1 year old (the dog's breed). It's very relaxing to be honest. (Y/d/n) is the sweetest and cutest. He/she always gives you puppy dog eyes when he/she wants to go outside.

Once you got home, (y/d/n) was behind the front door waiting for you tail wagging like crazy. When he/she saw you, he/she immediately fell on his/her back, begging for belly rubs.
You smile at him/her and squat down to rub his/her belly.

"Have you been a good boy/girl? Have you?" You talk to (y/d/n).
After a while of petting him/her, you stand up again and take the leash and attach it to his/her collar around his/her neck.

"Let's go for a walk, shall we?" You say as you open the door to let him/her out of the apartment.
You went down with an elevator and once you got outside, he/she found him-/herself a spot in the grass where he/she peed.

"Good boy/girl!" You say and rub him/her behind the ear.
Then you continued the walk. You did your regular 4 km walk and stopped by the dog park quickly.

There was only a few dogs at the dog park, so you didn't stay long, but somehow when you were going to put him/her back to the leash, he/she ran away from you. (Y/d/g) ran through the dog park's open gate and wasn't going to stop running. Who idiot left the gate open?!

You ran after him/her. You wasn't sure where he/she ran, so you were running around like a headless chicken whilst shouting his/her name.

10 minutes had passed and you still hadn't found (y/d/n) yet. You collapsed on a bench and buried your face in your hands. You had been in shock, so you really didn't realize to cry, but now the tears were streaming down your face.

(Y/d/n) is very important to you and you love him/her very much. You don't know how you would get through it, if he/she disappears. And that's just what happened.
What if he/she ran to the road and got hit by a car? No, you can't think anything like that. He/she has to be okay...

Suddenly you felt someone touch your shoulder, making you almost jump.
You look up and first thing you see is your dog in someone's arms.
"Oh my god, (y/d/n)!!" You exclaimed happily and hugged him/her, though he/she was still in that's person's arms.

You look up and see a very hot looking man looking down and smiling sweetly at you. You blush immediately and pick your dog up from his arms into yours.

"Uhm... Thank you so much! I don't know what I would have done without you! Where did you find him/her?" You thank him as you hug your dog.

"He/she just ran towards me and my dogs, Joey and Keeva." He replied and pointed at the two Yorkies next to him. "And it's no problem. I guessed, that he/she would have escaped from the park, so I brought him/her back here."

You attach the leash back to (y/d/n)'s collar and put him/her down.

"You're a life saver." You giggled as you opened your arms for a hug, but gave him a questioning gaze before doing so. He just nodded and closed you in a quick, but warm hug.

"I'm (y/n) by the way." You said, after you had pulled away from the hug.
"Nick." He said and pulled out his hand for a handshake. You grab his hand and smile at him.

One year later

"Hey babe." Your boyfriend of one year says as he wraps his arms around you from behind you. He places his lips against the skin of your neck.
A light moan left your lips as you lean against him.

It's a morning and you were making breakfast, but seems like someone interrupted you.
"I'm trying to make breakfast." You suck in a breath as you feel him sucking on the skin and biting it lightly.

"Can it wait? I really want to take a shower, but not alone..." He mumbled against your neck.
"But I'm hungry!" You insist.
"And I'm hungry for you." He said before he started sucking on your earlobe.

"Fuck, Nick!" You moan and escape from his embrace. "I will come to the shower with you after breakfast." You say and cross your arms over your chest.
He lets out a sigh. "Fine." He scoffs.

To be honest, the shower was much more enjoyable than the breakfast...

A/N: Sorry, this one is so short and I kinda feel it's a little rushed? Idk

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