Never Have I Ever - Tyler Hoechlin

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Teen Wolf cast is like your other family. Everyone is very close and know each other pretty well. Your best friends are obviously Holland, Dylan (O'Brien) and both Tylers. You spend a lot of time with others, too, but mostly with those four.

Today you're together at Hoechlin's place. Posey got a "brilliant" idea –which isn't really brilliant at all– to play 'Never have I ever' game.
All though others didn't like the idea, you started to play it anyways, because you all were bored.

"Never have I ever made a fool out of myself in the middle of a mall." Posey started the game.
Everyone laughed and raised their hands. Like, for real, who hasn't?

"Never have I ever kissed a fan?" Dylan says.
The room fell silent for awhile as people 'thought' about it. You know they would remember very well, if they had kissed a fan.

No one hasn't raised a hand yet, so you decide to prank them. You know, the other fans. The machines. You have kissed one. For real.

So you raise your hand and everyone gasps.
"What? It was so hot in my house and I had that saviour fan so I decided to kiss it." You say and shrug. Everyone started to laugh.

"Never have I ever had a crush on someone from the Teen Wolf cast." You ask with a little bit teasing tone.
Holland gave you the famous are-you-serious-look. You just burst into laughter.

Then you raise your hand along with Holland, Posey and Dylan. You all look Hoechlin with waiting gaze. You all know that he has a crush on someone. He has to!

Tyler smirks and raises his hand, too.
"Now, everyone tell us who you have or have had a crush on." You say smirking.

"You're not serious!" Dylan exclaims.

"I am." You reply and wait for others to tell their crushes.

"Honestly, I had a small crush on Crystal while we filmed season 1." Posey says and blushes a little.
Nobody was surprised. Maybe everyone knew already.

"I had a crush on Crystal, too, but not anymore! I got over it. She didn't like me back." Dylan told and tried to look sad. We all started laughing.

"I had a crush on Dylan, but he liked Crystal, so I gave up." Holland tells laughing.
Wow, everyone's deepest secrets are revealed. Now it's just you and Hoechlin left.

Can you just tell, that you currently have a huge crush on Tyler H?

"Oh my god, I can't even say it, because I still have a crush on that person." Tyler says and looks down. He tries to hold back smile.

"Let's say our crushes at the same time then, because I have the same situation." You suggest. Tyler lifts up his head and nods.

You count three, "1... 2... And 3."
"Hoechlin." You say at the same time as Tyler says, "Y/N."
You both blush and look down. Tyler is extremely adorable when he's flustered.

"Oh. My. Goodness." Dylan inhales excitedly. Here we go...

"You two? Oh my god." Holland giggles.

Dylan gets up from the couch and says loudly, "we'll leave here and leave you two alone."
He motions Posey and Holland to follow him and they all left the house in few minutes, leaving you and Tyler alone.

You two look at each other for a second and start laughing.
"That would have been embarrassing if other of us would have said someone else's name." You say and give Tyler a shy smile.

"True, but do you... Really like me?" Tyler asks. Dork.

"Yes." you reply laughing. You get up and walk over to him. You sat on his lap, your face just centimetres from his.
You stare each other in the eyes for a moment. A smile formed to your face as you stared at his beautiful eyes.

"You're beautiful." Tyler says smiling.

"Shut up." You say and look down to hide your blush.

"You don't need to hide your blush. I think you're even more beautiful when you blush." Tyler says with a soft voice.

You lift your head up again. And before you even noticed, you felt his soft and warm lips on yours. It took few moments before you kissed him back.
You melted into the kiss. It was slow, not too intense. Well, not yet.

You break the kiss to breath.
You place your forehead on his and look into his eyes.

"More?" You ask. "More." Tyler replies smirking.

You crash your lips on his to intense and more passionate kiss.
You grind against him on his lap and he growled into the kiss, making you grin.

Next thing you noticed that you both were up, your legs wrapped around his hips as he walked towards the bedroom.

This will be a wonderful night.
Maybe Posey's idea wasn't so bad after all...

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