Hopeful (part 3) - Sebastian Stan

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You wake up in a bed in a weird room. It took a few moments for you to remember where you were. In a heartbeat you had jumped to your feet. You looked around in the room and wondered what you should do; stay in the room or go to walk around the apartment.

You decided to leave the room, so you placed your hand on the door knob and the door opened squeaking a bit.
You stepped to the hallway and looked around again - you didn't really remember what the house looked like from yesterday.

You turned to the left and started walking slowly along the hallway, until you made it to the living room. The house was quiet. Sebastian was probably still asleep. You could make breakfast if you knew how to use all those machines. Of course you could just make a bread or something for yourself, but you wanted to surprise Sebastian with something better. After all, he just kinda saved your life. Or he did save your life.

You would have eventually starved to death in that empty, abandoned house in the woods. Nobody would have found your body for weeks, maybe even months. That thought made you shiver.

You made your way to the kitchen and started going through the cabinets in that hope, that you would find something good.
Here's what you found: a bag of bread, a box of cereal, a box of oatmeal for porridge and apple juice from the fridge. There was also some bacon and eggs. You're just not sure how to use the stove. It's been so long since you used one.

"What are you doing?" A sleepy voice behind you said, causing you to jump.
You turned around to face Sebastian.
You looked down at your feet and mumbled some nonsense, before you could make out some words, "Uh.. I was just- I thought that- I don't know how to use the stove..."

A soft laugh left his lips. "It's okay. I can help you." He replies and turns the stove on easily. "A piece of cake, see?" He gave you a sweet smile.
"Yeah, I guess so..." You try to return the smile, but you fail miserably.

He then took a pan from one of the cabinets and handed it to you.
"If you need help, just say so, okay?" He asks. You nod for a response and place the pan on the stove. You're not entirely sure how to use it, but guess you just need to find out.

"I'll take a shower." Sebastian told you mumbling and left the kitchen then. You were left alone with your thoughts and maybe some problems with making the breakfast.

You push some random buttons and try to find out what they do. That might sound a little dangerous, but you couldn't care less.

When you finally knew somehow how to use the stove, you made Sebastian some bacon and eggs, because you didn't really like them. You also poured some cereal into the bowl for him and made a bread for both of you. It's not a glamorous breakfast, but it's something.

You were completely ready when Sebastian came from the shower. He had only a towel hanging around his hips, exposing his perfect abs and V-line. You turned your eyes away as quickly as possible. You felt like your cheeks were burning.

"Wow. It smells good in here! Did you make all of this yourself?" He asked as he brought his hand through his wet and messy hair.

You still were afraid to look at him. "Um... Uh... Yeah I- I did." You stammered.
"That's amazing! I'm so proud of you!" He says and placed a kiss on your forehead. He probably would have hugged you, but he was still wearing a towel and his body was a little wet.

He saw that you couldn't look at him properly and chuckled. "Yeah. Okay. I'll put on some clothes first." And with that he left the room for a few minutes, before he came back wearing grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt, that hugged his biceps.

You started eating your only bread. Sebastian saw that you had made all of the breakfast mostly for him, but not yourself. He looked a bit concerned, but you just ignored his gaze on you.

"Why aren't you eating?" He asked. You gave him the are-you-serious look and pointed at the bread, which you took a bite of just then. You looked like you were trying to say "what do you think I'm doing right now, dummy?"

"No. I mean really. Why didn't you pour yourself some cereal? Or why didn't you make bacon and eggs for yourself, too?" He asked as he reached over the table to take your hand in his. He squeezed it a bit, trying to make you a little more comfortable.

"Just weren't hungry, that's it." You reply. He didn't seem like he believed you, but let it go, though. He still hold your hand with his left one as he started to eat. You blushed a little bit. You didn't understand why he would even help you. Or hold your hand!
All you could think about this situation is, that all this is so crazy.

You finished before Sebastian - oh really? - and you stood up from your seat, when he had to let go of your hand. He frowned a little bit, but hid it with eating.

You wash the plate and put it to the dishwasher.
You glance at him and when he wasn't watching, you disappeared into the bathroom. You lock the door behind you. You then just collapse on the floor as tears started to fall down your face like two little waterfalls.

You weren't sure why you were crying, but you just felt so so bad. So depressed. So... Numb. You look at your long sleeved shirt. You never wear t-shirts in public. Not even if there's only one person. And the reason is? Well...

You lift up the sleeve from your left arm. Your arm was covered in scars. More specifically cuts you've made yourself. Why have you done that? Because that's the only way you can feel something again. And that pain is nothing compared to the pain you feel inside you.

You try to wipe the tears away with your arms, before standing up. You start to go through the cabinet in the bathroom. There must be a razor somewhere, right?

Finally when you found one, you placed it on your wrist. Taking a deep breath, you press it a little harder against your skin as you pull it, making a pretty deep cut. But thankfully not too deep. There came a lot more blood than you expected. Probably this was your deepest cut you've ever made.

You washed the cut with water until you thought the bleeding petered out. You put your sleeve down, hiding the cuts under it.
You then washed the razor completely and put it back there from where you took it. You also look around in the bathroom, making sure there wasn't any blood anywhere.

You unlocked the bathroom door and stepped back to the hallway. First thing you saw was Sebastian standing in front of you, worried expression on his face. "What did you do there?"

A/n: I left you hanging didn't I?

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