Now they know (request)

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Thank you for the request JulzLovDraco4Eva

Sorry for the long wait...

I hope you like it!

House: Gryffindor
Year: 6

I was walking to Hogsmeade with my best friends, the Golden Trio. I was walking next to Hermione with our arms linked together while Ron and Harry were arguing about something behind us.

Hermione has been my best friend since our first year. After the sorting I had sat in front of Hermione at the Gryffindor table and we started talking. I found out she was a muggleborn as well which made us even closer. Since then we did everything together and told each other everything. Well... almost everything. I hadn't told her about me and Draco dating. I knew how much the three of them hated Draco and vice versa. I didn't want to end up in a situation where I'd have to choose a side so I thought it'd be better to date in secret.

Nothing seemed suspicious. It was a normal day with a clear sky above us. Until a cloud of black smoke appeared to the sky and flew down towards us. Ron let out a shriek. We tried to run away from it and Harry fired some spells to it but nothing worked. Then everything went black.

I opened my eyes to find myself in an empty room. The room was white and way too big, almost like a ball room.

I turned to look around and noticed Harry, Ron and Hermione next to me in a cage. I however, was not in a cage. Why wasn't I in a cage?

I heard Harry mumbling nonsense as he started to wake up. He opened his eyes and quickly shot up. He saw me and his eyes widened. He was about to talk but I signaled him not to. Soon Ron and Hermione woke up as well. Ron started to talk loudly while the rest of us tried to hush him. He only stopped talking when footsteps were heard.

"Well if it isn't my favorite mudblood", we heard a woman chuckling. Her voice sent chills through my spine and I prayed it wasn't Draco's aunt. But that's exactly who it was. Just my luck.

I looked at the woman in a black dress jumping towards me happily. The trio turned to look at her as well and their eyes flew open from the shock.

"What a nice surprise", Bellatrix laughed and caressed my hair roughly. I whined a little as she forcefully pulled my bangs.

"How is this a surprise when you're the one who kidnapped us?" I asked her and she booped my nose. She ignored my question and squatted in front of the cage. Harry and Hermione managed to look unfazed but Ron looked like he was about to wet his pants. Bellatrix suddenly grabbed the bars of the cage and shook it wildly, making Ron cry out loud.

She giggled darkly. "I'm going to make you pay", she hummed. 

"For what?" Harry finally spoke up.

"You see", we heard another voice. Lucius Malfoy. His tall figure approached us from the shadows. "Draco has refused to join the Dark Lord."

"And what in Merlin's name that has to do with us?" Harry spat.

"Oh nothing with you three. But a lot with this one", he walked closer to me and grabbed my chin harshly. I felt my friends' eyes watching us carefully. "He has become soft."

Bellatrix started to jump around the room again. "At first we thought he was going through a phase but it lasted way too long. So we investigated a little and found out about you and him. Our Draco has fallen in love with someone as filthy as you", she said.

The trio gasped loudly.

"Oh... they didn't know?" Bellatrix found the whole situation amusing.

"He's a Death Eater!" Harry yelled very angrily.

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