First love

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We were at the Malfoy mansion. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Luna were taken somewhere away from the hall I was left in. Around me were some people who I didn't recognize and then a few I did. Bellatrix, Narcissa, Lucius and my boyfriend Draco. Well, ex-boyfriend I guess. He had just left me all alone on the 6th year without telling me anything. After Dumbledore was found dead I ran around looking for Draco but he was nowhere to be found.

"Y/N Potter", Bellatrix spat out and grabbed my chin harshly before throwing my head on the side. "We have been looking for your little gang. Well, Harry's gang. You are just a mere extra but maybe you'll be useful."

"What do you want from me?" I asked trying to keep my cool.

"Oh we want nothing from you but we want a lot from your brother and his friends. But you know, they aren't willing to tell us anything. So maybe they'll change their minds after hearing your screams of pain", Bellatrix laughed her wicked laugh and jumped around me.

I looked over to Draco who was looking at the floor, trying to avoid my eyes.

"You were my first love and for a while I thought you would be my last as well", I didn't bother to hide my emotions anymore. The tears I had been keeping inside were finally falling free. I felt betrayed.

"Blah blah, stupid girl. Why would he like you?" Bellatrix laughed as she kicked my chest, making me fall on the marble floor. My head hit the floor pretty badly and for a moment my eyesight went blurry. "He was just playing with you. I can't believe you fell for it."

"Crucio!" I heard before pain rushed through my whole body. A pain I had never felt before. My sight went blurry again and I couldn't even hear anymore. All I was able to hear was my unsteady breathing and my quickening heartbeat. I don't know how long it lasted but when it stopped I was drenched in sweat and tears. My hearing was returning and I could hear Harry's screams. He was pleading them to let me go and take him instead. I wanted to refuse but it was painful to move. As I finally got my mouth open, instead of words I felt thick and warm liquid soaring up from my throat. I could see Harry coming up the stairs with Lucius behind him, right as I coughed out a pool of blood. Harry's eyes went wide and he tried to run to me, only to be stopped by Bellatrix.

"Nah-ah, you will tell me everything I need to know and then come with us or you can stay silent and watch her bleed to death", Bellatrix pointed at me.

"H-Harry... don't tell...", I mumbled and with every word I said, more blood fell from my lips. My mind was dizzy and it was hard to breathe. I didn't know what curse Bellatrix had used on me but she had definitely used more than the cruciatus curse. 

"I can't let you die", Harry cried desperately which only made everyone in the room laugh, except Draco and Narcissa. From the corner of my eye I could see that Narcissa had her hand on Draco's shoulder as he kept looking at me.

"Harry... we both know I'm going to die anyways. Maybe not here and now but in a week or two, when the war begins, I'll be gone. It's okay to let me go", I said, meaning every word. Years ago if  I had been in this situation I would have prayed for someone to save me. But now it felt useless. I didn't want to live in a world like this. And I knew I wouldn't be able to live here much longer anyway. Voldemort wanted my brother and I was the perfect bait. Would Voldemort let me live after the war? No chance.

"Wow, she's right for once", Bellatrix said and put her foot on my neck, putting a little pressure on it, making me feel suffocating but I didn't have any energy left to fight against her. My lungs were screaming for air as Bellatrix pressed my neck more and more. Harry was hesitating with his answer. Just as I felt my eyes rolling to the back of my head, we heard a yell.

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