Slytherin bully (request)

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I'm sorry I haven't been active lately!

Thanks for the request JulzLovDraco4Eva

House: Slytherin
Year: 6

I remember my first year at Hogwarts, like it was yesterday. The year I was bullied by Draco Malfoy and saved by the trio who are now my best friends. 

At first everything was fine. I got sorted in to Slytherin and I talked to a few people in my house. But then I made the mistake of telling Pansy Parkinson that I was a muggleborn. She of course went to tell Draco, which led to him and his gang bullying me.

However, one day, as I was crying after being bullied again, I bumped into the trio. They asked me what was wrong and comforted me. I thanked them and left. I thought they were nice but I'd never be able to be friends with them. Gryffindors and Slytherins didn't get along, right? But how wrong was I, because the next day as Draco kept calling me names, the trio appeared and stood up for me. After that we got to know each other better and became best friends. Even Ron, who was hesitant at first because of my house, warmed up to me.

I knew everything about them and they knew all about me... well, almost. Because no matter how hard they tried, I'd never tell them who I had a crush on. They'd be so mad. Because who in the whole wide world would fall for their bully?

And even though Draco didn't bully me as bad as he did before, he still sent disgusted looks at me or whispered something nasty about me to his friends. His bullying had become less noticeable. But instead of being thankful about it, it made me anxious instead. The well-known Slytherin bully had suddenly become less mean and much more secretive.

Then one evening in my 6th year I was sitting at the Slytherin table with Blaise, who was one of the only Slytherins who actually liked my presence. He was friends with Draco but that didn't stop him from talking to me.

I saw Draco walking in to the Great Hall. His eyes settled on Harry and Katie. He abruptly turned around and left. That was weird. To think of it, he had been acting very strangely this year. He had become extremely distant even from his friends. And now locking eyes with Gryffindors made him run away? That was so unlike him.

I shared a confused glance with Blaise. "What was that?" I asked Blaise who just shrugged and continued eating. I rolled my eyes and stood up as I saw Harry sprinting after Draco. I quickly went after them both. I knew for a fact that this wasn't going to end well.

I noticed Draco hurrying and Harry following him a little further away. I followed Harry very obviously but he didn't either care or notice. Both of them turned at a corner and as I finally got there, neither of them was anywhere seen. I looked at the hallway and noticed a door to bathroom. Could they have went there? I slowly approached the door and then heard a crash. I jumped back a bit and then opened the door, only to be almost hit with a spell.

"Jesus Christ! I almost got a heart attack!" I said and stepped in to the bathroom. There Harry and Draco were sending curses towards each other. I was about to go between them when Harry said some weird spell I've never heard of and a painful scream was heard before an eerie silence fell in the room.

I walked behind Harry to get a glimpse of what had happened, but oh did I wish I hadn't followed them. Because on the floor was Draco's body twitching, as blood pooled out of the wounds that began to appear on his body.

"Harry, what did you do?!" I yelled as I ran past him and knelt next to Draco's bleeding body.

"I-... I just wanted to protect you from him", Harry stuttered. "Y/N, he's a Death Eater."

My face was red from anger as I turned to look at him. "I don't need your stupid protection, I can handle myself!" I then turned to Draco and my face softened. "Come on, Draco, don't die on me."

"I think he's after you", Harry said suddenly which made me stop my movements for a second, but not because of fear. I stopped because I was surprised about what he was saying. Why would he be after me? I meant nothing to the future of the Wizarding World, whereas Harry was the key to everything.

"He's after me?" I asked with mock layering my words, but Harry didn't seem to notice, since he only nodded. "Harry!" I shouted which made him jump. "Why in the Earth would any Death Eater be after me?! You should be worried about yourself! You're the one running from Voldemort every freaking year!"

Harry opened his mouth to say something, but the bang of a door interrupted him. We both turned to look at Snape who was taking quick angry steps towards us. He knelt down next to me and started healing Draco.

Draco's wounds slowly closed up but he was still in pain. Snape ordered me to take Draco to the Hospital Wing while he stayed to have a quick word with Harry.

Madam Pomfrey gave Draco something that eased the pain and made him slightly sleepy. I didn't leave Draco's side, no matter how Madam Pomfrey tried to make me leave. I wanted to be there when he'd wake up.

"Oh God", I cried while watching Draco sleep. He looked so calm. Almost like he wasn't in the verge of dying a few minutes ago.

"This is unexpected", Draco's groggy voice said. He coughed a little and tried to sit up but I quickly pushed him down.

"You're not allowed to move yet", I said and quickly tried to wipe my tears away.

Draco stared at me for a while. "Am I seeing things or what?"

I blinked. "W-what?"

"I mean", Draco cleared his throat. "This has to be a hallucination. Why else would you be here? I've only ever bullied you."

I blushed a little, not knowing how to answer. "Well... this is real", I mumbled. I tried to distract myself from his searching eyes.

"Why are you here?" He asked, his voice more firm than earlier.

"Because I followed you and Harry. I was there when you bled, in case you don't remember", I said, suddenly wanting to leave the situation.

"I know, I remember that. What I don't get, is why you're still here?" He asked, voice getting louder and more annoyed.

"Do you want me to leave then?" I asked, annoyed as well.

"Not really", he said and we fell into comfortable silence. He looked at the ceiling and I looked at him. "I'm sorry I bullied you."

My eyebrows shot up, not expecting an apology. "I was being stupid. You were so beautiful, still are, and I didn't want to feel such affection towards anyone. So, I thought making you hate me would make it easier to forget you", he continued and turned his head towards me, eyes looking into mine. "But it didn't. It only hurt you and made me want to beat myself up."

My lower lip wobbled as I tried not to cry. After all these years of him bullying me, I finally heard the reason why. "Apology accepted", I said before biting my lip, trying to stop it from wobbling.

"You're cute", he said and smiled a little, making me smile too.

"Do you still like me?" I asked after gathering up all the confidence I had. He only nodded. I sighed and took his hand in mine, which made his eyes widen. "I like you too."

He opened his mouth and I knew he'd say something about him not deserving me and stuff, so I shut him up by kissing him. I pulled away after a few seconds. "Don't say anything. This is my choice and I choose to give you a chance."

He still looked hesitant, so instead of saying anything, he showed me. He lifted his sleeve up. He expected a big reaction from me, and honestly, so did I. But for our surprise I didn't even react. I just looked at the Dark Mark and then back at his face.

"I don't care", I whispered and pulled his sleeve down. He let out a loud sigh, which he probably had been holding for a while. 

He lifted his hand closer to my face and caressed my cheek. "If my parents find out about this... they'll kill you", Draco whispered as he moved a few strands of hair behind my ear.

"Let them try", I said confidently.

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