I did it to save you (request)

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Thank you for the request @JulzLovDraco4Eva and I'm so sorry for the long long long wait!

House: Slytherin
Year: 6

Draco and I had been friends ever since we were babies. Our families were both followers of Voldemort, which made our parents connect immediately. With them being friends, Draco and I spent a lot of time together, making us practically inseparable.

We spent most of our childhood together and when we got our Hogwarts letters, we immediately met and screamed out of joy. What would be greater than attending your dream school with your best friend?

We were both ecstatic when we were placed in the same house. "Proud little Slytherins" as my parents would call us. Both of us formed our own separate friend groups but nothing ever changed the fact that we were best friends.

As time passed by, it was time for our 6th school year to begin. That's when I found myself in the Malfoy Manor, bowing my head down as I approached the man behind all this madness.

The sinister man in front of me had promised not to hurt Draco if I took the Dark Mark. No matter how badly I hated this man, I would do anything to save Draco from getting hurt. Little did I know, the Dark Lord had made a similar deal with Draco who wanted nothing more than to keep me save.

Needless to say, we both went pale the moment our eyes met during one of the Death Eater meetings. My mouth went dry and I felt a shiver of fear traveling through my spine. How dumb we had been, not telling each other of our plans of taking the Dark Mark. Of course the Dark Lord would take advantage of that. And now, the result of our stupidity was in our arms. Both of us branded as the Dark Lord's followers.

The Dark Lord had given Draco a task. He had to kill Dumbledore. Easier said than done. Not only was Dumbledore one of the most powerful wizards of all times, but he was also constantly surrounded by people.

At first Draco was good at hiding his growing anxiety and heavy mind. But overtime, as all secrets do, his true feelings began to show. He was falling apart. It wasn't until a fight between Harry and Draco erupted, that Draco opened up to me. That night we stayed up the whole night, as he told me his fears and concerns and I listened.

As the morning came and the first rays of sun shone on his face, a realization dawned on me. I liked him. And not as a friend. No, I liked him as something more. But I wouldn't say it, not when I had known him for most of my life. What if he didn't like me that way and began to distance himself from me? I would never forgive myself for that. So, I kept my mouth shut and waited for time to fade my feelings away.

Then the faithful day came. None of us was ready, not that we would ever be ready for something like this. But the moment Draco pointed his wand at Dumbledore, my breath got stuck in my throat. If Draco did this, he would become a murderer. I couldn't let that happen.

"Do it, Draco!" Bellatrix hissed.

"No!" With only his best in my mind, I ran between Draco and Dumbledore. "We don't have to do this! We don't have to follow his orders!"

"No", Snape appeared from the shadows. I had only managed to let out a sigh of relief when he pointed his wand at Dumbledore and said the killing curse.

Everything went in slow motion as Dumbledore fell down from the tower. A terrible thud was heard from under us, followed by a joyful laughter of the Death Eaters behind me. The only one not laughing was Bellatrix who was fuming with anger.

"How could you embarrass your family like that?!" Bellatrix screamed and stomped towards me. "How could you stop Draco from completing his task?" She pointed her wand at me and opened her mouth. She would kill me. If there was something I could be completely sure of, it was that she was going to kill me.


Bellatrix's wand flew out of her hand, straight into Draco's. He kept his wand pointed towards her as he took side steps towards me. "Don't you dare to point your wand at her ever again."

"What do you think you're doing?!" Bellatrix stomped her foot on the ground.

"I'm doing what I should have done a long time ago", Draco said before knocking Bellatrix unconscious with a spell. He then turned around, and took my hand in his. Side by side, we fought the other Death Eaters in the tower. A few unconscious and few injured, we quickly fled. Both of us had cuts all over our bodies but we felt nothing as the adrenaline kept us on the edge.

With his hand in mine, we ran all the way into the Forbidden Forest where I led Draco to a thestral. He had never seen one before but I had. We climbed onto its back and flew all the way to a safe house which my family had built for me in case something would go wrong. Placing some protecting charms over the place, I finally let a few tears fall. It had been a long and scary day. But we were safe now, and hopefully whatever would happen in the future, we would be together through it.

"Are you okay?" Draco asked from behind me, startling me. I turned around while holding my heart. He chuckled a bit. "I didn't mean to scare you." His face softened as he noticed the tears on my face. Carefully, he lifted his hand and wiped them off. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" I asked, while taking a few steps forward until I collided with his chest. I buried my face into his chest and his hands automatically dived into my hair.

"For not getting you out of there sooner", he said. "I should never have even tried to complete the stupid task."

"That's just stupid", I looked up at him. "I chose to stay there. If I wanted to run away, I would have done that. But I didn't."

"Why didn't you?" He asked as his grey eyes studied my soul.

"I think you know why", I whispered before quickly pressing my lips on his. The kiss was swift but perfect. He smiled and kissed my forehead gently before hugging me tight again. Everything was fine now.

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