Best friend

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It was a beautiful day... for sitting in the library. With my boyfriend. Who no one seemed to know about.

I was sitting on Draco's lap while reading a book which he also was reading over my shoulder. It was so peaceful and quiet until a certain trio happened to set their eyes on us.

"Oh my God, Y/N! What are you doing with him?!" Hermione screeched. 

"Oh, umm, I am tutoring him?" I said but it sounded like a question. The trio raised their eyebrows suspiciously.

"Okay he's my friend?"

"Must be a good friend if you're sitting on his lap", Harry snickered.

"Oh yeah, he's the best! My... best friend", I said as I quickly stood up from Draco's lap and sat on the chair next to him instead. Ron was obviously having a hard time trying to hold in his laugh.

"Y/N", Hermione said warningly.

"Don't be such a scaredy cat", Draco finally spoke up and took my hand in his. "We are dating."

The trio eyed each other with unreadable expressions which made me nervous.

"Damn, I owe Fred and George 10 galleons", Ron sighed. They all started laughing.

"I told you not to make a bet with them. I mean, come on Ron, this was obvious. Haven't you seen how these two stare at each other?" Hermione chuckled and pointed at us.

"You had a bet with the twins?" I asked.

"Yeah, they said you and Draco are dating and I said you can't be so they managed to make me agree on a bet. I'm stupid!"

"Yes you are", George said as he appeared behind the trio out of nowhere.

"I believe you owe us something, brother dearest", Fred said as he sat down in front of Draco and me.

"Let us be the godfathers of your kids", George said as he sat next to his brother.

"And I can be the godmother!" Hermione raised her hand.

"Hold on! What about us?" Harry asked and pointed at himself and Ron.

"Either their kids have several godparents or they have to have more than a few kids", Fred said.

"I like that idea! If they had like 5 kids, each one of us would get one godchild", Hermione said.

"Excuse me?! I am the one pushing them out, so don't say any big numbers! I can't promise you anything", I said still burning up with embarrassment.  

"What? My sister is having kids?!" Cedric joined the conversation. I honestly had no idea where everyone kept popping up from.

"Yes, 5 for now", Ron said without thinking and turned back to the others. 

"5?!" Cedric yelled loudly which finally broke the intense conversation the others were having.

"Oh gosh, no! I'm not having any kids!" I yelled.

"Yet", Draco said with a smirk.

"Oh not you too", I groaned as all the others laughed. Well, not my brother as he was more confused than ever in his life.

"Since when have you been together?" Cedric asked.

"Ummm.... since two years ago?" I said with so little confidence that it sounded like a question.

"What?! I'm telling dad", Cedric said.

"He knows already", I smirked.

"What?! And I didn't?"

"Well last Christmas I told you someone important was visiting briefly and you just went and took a nap. So... kinda your fault", I giggled at his baffled expression.

"How in the holy Hogwarts did you hide this so well?" Ron asked while Cedric was ruffling his own hair still confused.

"Umm, well honestly... I don't know either. Maybe you're all just too stupid to notice?" I smirked at their gasps. "Yeah so... we have things to do. Bye!" I quickly grabbed Draco's hand and walked towards the door of the library.

"Yeah, things. Sure", Fred snickered loudly, earning a shush from the librarian.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Cedric asked still baffled.

"What he means is that the things they have to do..." George started.

"...are each other", Fred said so smugly that I could imagine him wiggling his eyebrows.

Just as Draco and I got out of the library we heard a horrid scream which I believe, came from my brother as he realized what the twins meant.

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