My ending

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I looked at the Death Eater in front of me. It happened so quickly but it felt incredibly slow to me. The green light left from his wand and hit my chest. Draco's scream pierced through my ears as I fell limp on the cold floor.

A tear escaped from my eye and just like that I was gone.

Draco's POV

"No!" I screamed as I saw the killing curse hit her and making her body fall down. I saw the lonely tear that left her eye fall on the floor next to her body. Her eyes were still open, staring somewhere towards me.

My mother dropped on her knees in front of me and tried to make me look at her but I harshly pushed her hands away.

"Don't touch me!"

Bellatrix finally let go of me and I crawled towards Y/N's body. Each meter closer to her caused my sobs to get louder. Somewhere behind me I could hear my mother's sniffles.

"Oh would you stop Cissy? Draco deserves this for dating that filthy mudblood", Bellatrix spat out harshly.

"Would you just! F*cking! Shut! Up!" I yelled, my voice growing louder with every word.

"Draco, she's gone", my mother said as she kneeled next to me. I just shoon my head, denying the reality.

My mother looked at Y/N and sighed loudly before closing her eyes. It looked like she was just sleeping, but I knew she wasn't. Mother's hand moved Y/N hair away from her face and I noticed a tear falling from mother's eyes.

"She was a sweet girl", mother whispered and gently laid her hand on my shoulder. The past tense she used made me shiver.

"Don't act like you care. You were a part of this! You did nothing to stop them!" I yelled and shrugged her hand away before taking my wand out and apparating me and Y/N away. Somehow we ended up in the burrow. I didn't even have time to question why we ended up there before her sister Hermione ran out of the burrow. She let out a high pitched scream as she saw Y/N's body on my lap.

"I'm so sorry...", I mumbled as Hermione fell down next to Y/N and tried to wake her up. One by one the Weasleys and Harry came out. All of their faces held broken expressions as they saw Hermione cry over her dead sister.

Ron tried to pull Hermione away. "No, no! This isn't real, please someone tell me this isn't real!" She sobbed on Ron's chest.

I bowed my head down as I felt tears escaping from my eyes again. Even though I was crying, I felt nothing inside. I felt empty.

A hand stroked my shoulder and I turned up to see Harry's teary eyes. I let him stroke my shoulder. Even though we never got along, his presence was the best comfort I had gotten so far.

We buried Y/N on the field somewhere near the burrow. She had always said she never wanted a fancy funeral, just something simple. And with the war coming closer, we decided that burying her to a field full of beautiful flowers was the place she could find peace in.

After crying for hours around her grave Harry helped me up and brought me in to the burrow. We sat down on the couch where Hermione and Ron were already waiting.

"Care to tell me what happened?" Hermione said with a croaky voice while clutching her hands around the cup of hot chocolate.

I explained everything that happened while trying not to break down again.

"I'm sorry, I... I should have never met her", my voice broke. All the emotions came over me all over again.

"It's not your fault Draco. I admit I never liked you but... I had never seen Y/N as happy as she was with you. And she probably never told you about this but I told her to stay away from you because of your family but she said that she'd rather die happily in your family's hands than heartbroken some other way", Hermione said quietly. "So, I want to thank you. For making her days beautiful. Her life was short but she lived it the way she wanted."

Unexpectedly Hermione gave me a hug and slowly patted my back. I carefully wrapped my arms around her too and we cried in each others' arms until we fell asleep from exhaustion.

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