Who are you dating?

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On our 4th year we had a bet. We wrote down who we thought would be with who after the school ends. The war had just ended and we needed some distraction so we decided to see if anyone won.

We all gathered around the Gryffindor table to look at our papers. I smiled as I looked at the other's papers. I won. I had written Ron and Hermione would be together and Harry with Ginny.

"Oh my God! I won!" I yelled as they all groaned. "20 gallions per wizard right now."

"So, Y/N who are you dating?" Harry asked as he was counting the money I had just won. I looked down at Harry's paper. He and guessed I was dating Seamus. I giggled.

"Well definitely not him", I said.

"Oh Harry, she's not dating anyone. She's engaged. Can't you see the ring on her finger", Hermione rolled her eyes as she opened her wallet. All the people's eyes shot wide open around us. I blushed a little.

"And I know exactly with who. Well, it's easy to guess as his mother is coming towards you", Hermione continued and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"H-his mother?" I managed to ask before I felt a slap on the back of my head.

"Ow! What was that for?" I asked as I turned around to be faced with the one and only Narcissa Malfoy. She was like a mother to me and to be honest it wasn't even the first time she had slapped my head. All my friends turned to look at Narcissa and then back at me with their mouths open.

"Why did you talk back to Voldemort back there? I thought he was going to kill you! Oh gosh, your big mouth is going to get you killed!" She said with tears in her eyes as she caressed my hair. I just smiled at the scene I caused with Neville when we thought Harry was dead. Well, Neville said some beautiful words but I kind of insulted Voldemort a few times. He deserved it anyways.

"Don't worry that old git couldn't have done anything to me. He was old and slow", I giggled making Harry and Hermione giggle too. Ron on the other hand seemed nervous. And not only Ron but all the Weasleys which was understandable after the history the two families had.

"Mom, stop hitting her please", I heard a familiar voice and smiled even wider. I turned back to my friends and reached out my hand for them to put the money on it. Meanwhile I felt hands sneak around my waist and a head on my shoulder. The scent of apples and mint filled my nose.

"Are you robbing your friends?" He asked and kissed my neck slightly.

"Nah. They owe me because they failed to guess who I'm together with", I said and counted the money they had placed on my hand.

"On our defence, we could have never guessed this", Harry said while pointing at us.

"Not reasonable enough. We were obvious, you were just oblivious. I mean, you didn't even see that Ron and Hermione had crushes on each other or that Ginny had a crush on you", I laughed and put the money in my pocket. I looked up and saw how all of them were blushing. "Oh, why are you all getting shy?"

Hermione hid her face in her hands. "Because Ron's family is listening to us", she whispered. I turned my head to see all the Weasleys concentrating on our conversation. The twins were wiggling their eyebrows.

"Oh... haven't you guys told them yet?" I asked quietly and they all said no. "Oh, whoops... umm we have to go." I said and quickly got up despite all my friends yelling to me to sit back down.

"Oh my, this is the best thing that has happened today", Fred said while laughing uncontrollably.

I was now standing next to Draco and holding his hand. "So, ummm, it was nice to see you all. I think we are late from the dinner, right baby?" I turned to look at Draco who just nodded through his laughs. Narcissa was nowhere to be seen anymore, she probably had left after giving me a good smack.

"Hey hey hey, miss you're not going anywhere!" Harry said, blush still covering his face. I pulled Draco with me and started walking away.

"Invite us to the wedding!" Mrs. Weasley yelled after you. My heart warmed up by her saying that. The Weasleys had always been close to me and I knew they weren't very fond of Malfoys and vice versa but they wanted to come to my wedding anyways. I almost teared up.

"We will!" I yelled back while waving at them. "Bye guys!"

"Bye Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy!" Fred and George yelled at the same time, making everyone in the Great Hall turn their heads at us. Now it was my turn to blush. Draco just laughed even more and wrapped his arm around my shoulders before I got the chance to dash towards the twins. He then led me out of the school and we made our way home.

Hermione's POV

We watched at them leaving until they disappeared from our sight. I turned to look at Ron's family who now had their attention on us. The blush on my face just got worse so I tried to keep the conversation on Y/N.

"I never thought I would say this but they look good together", I said.

"I know right. At first I wanted to talk to her about this but then I saw how happy they both were", Harry said.

"Yeah, Draco might have been an idiot towards us in the past but he makes Y/N happy and that's the most important thing", I said while thinking how her face lit up as soon as Draco back hugged her.

"I can't believe she'll be Malfoy soon", Ron mumbled to himself but of course the twins heard it and wanted to tease us.

"I can't believe Ginny will be Potter soon", Fred laughed.

"And Hermione will be Weasley", George continued.

All three of us groaned as the twins kept teasing us for the rest of the day.

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