Hanahaki Disease

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A beautiful white rose petal fell on my left hand.

It had been a week since I went to see one of the best healers of St. Mungo's and they told me exactly what I had feared of. I had the Hanahaki Disease. And it was going to kill me.

(Hanahaki Disease is a disease where a person suffering from one-sided-love coughs flowers that are growing in their lungs.)

My mother always told me stories about Hanahaki Disease when I was younger. I thought it was just a story but clearly it wasn't. In my mother's stories Hanahaki Disease could be cured with a surgery. However, in my case the surgery couldn't be done because of my heart's condition. My heart had always been weak ever since I was born and now the roses inside me were not only growing in my lungs but also around my heart. It was only a matter of time until the roses would stab my heart.

Roses. The flowers I had always loved. Roses were always so romantic to me. But not anymore. Now they are just a reminder of my inevitable death. All because I fell for my best friend who doesn't feel the same about me.

My best friend is the one and only Draco Malfoy. We'd been friends even before we went to Hogwarts. As time went by I fell for him. I fell for him hard. For a while everything was fine but then one day I started to cough. I thought nothing about it, could be just a normal flu. But then, a few days later, I coughed out a rose petal. A beautiful white rose petal.

I knew what it meant but didn't want to believe it so I kept living like everything was fine. I went to classes and spent time with my friends, who were completely oblivious about my situation. For a week I lived like every other day, sometimes coughing up a bunch of petals. Until it got worse. I was writing an essay in the common room when I tasted something weird in my mouth. A few seconds later I felt the urge to cough and I did. But as I coughed, blood splattered on top of my essay. My eyes widened and I quickly burned the essay before anyone would see. After that I went to talk to the headmaster and he sent me to St. Mungo's.

Now as I kept on looking at the single petal on my hand, I wondered how something so beautiful can become so deadly? A rose, one of the most beautiful flowers in the world, could kill me anytime. Love, the beautiful feeling of being in love, was the reason I was going to die. I thought of it over and over again. Was falling in love with Draco a sin? Is that why I'm being punished?

My thoughts got interrupted as I heard quick steps approaching me. I hid the petal in my shoe and wiped the blood from my lips. I checked my shirt to make sure it wasn't covered in blood, and gladly it wasn't. As I looked up a pair of grey eyes were staring into my soul.

"What is going on with you?!" Draco yelled at me. Immediately tears were pouring out of my eyes. Of course my best friend would notice I had been acting weird. His face softened as he saw my tears falling down. He sighed and sat next to me. "You've been acting very weird lately. I want to help you but I don't know how if you don't tell me what's going on."

For a while I wanted to tell him the truth. Tell him how much I loved him and how bad my condition was. But I quickly pushed that thought away. Telling him now wouldn't change anything. I would die anyway and he would only feel bad. He would never love me back and I had to accept that. So, I turned to him and smiled.

"I'll be leaving... on a vacation", I lied, trying to sound convincing. It apparently worked as Draco's face fell. Of course I wasn't going on a vacation. I was simply going back home to spend my last days in the environment I had grown up in. But I couldn't tell him that. I couldn't tell him I'd be going home because he would ask me why. Why would I leave in the middle of the school year when nothing had happened at home and I seemed to be fine, excluding me acting weird.

"For how long?" He asked. 

"Until I get too tired", I said absentmindedly.

His eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"Nothing... nothing at all", I rushed to say. He didn't question me more, which I appreciated. He was looking forward, while I was looking at his perfect side-profile. He either didn't notice me staring or didn't care.

"I'll miss you. I know I say it rarely but you mean a lot to me and I have never before spent a day in Hogwarts without you... it'll be weird", he said as he looked down at his shoes. I smiled sadly. He would have to get used to being without me. From now on he would have to attend the classes without me sitting next to him, complain about Harry Potter to someone else, find a new best friend.

"You'll be fine", I said while trying to blink the tears away. Before he could say anything else, I stood up and straightened my clothes. I ran my fingers through his hair and he chuckled. I stared into his eyes for a minute or two before I cleared my throat. "I'll miss you too, Draco. You don't even know how much." Then I gave him a quick hug and ran away, leaving him all by himself.

Little did he know... that was the last time he ever saw me.

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