Brie 🌧

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Brie (your best friend) when she walks in on you naked

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Brie (your best friend) when she walks in on you naked. You guys are like 15-16 in this one and she confesses her feelings

I was getting out the shower and wrapping a towel around me.I walked out the bathroom and into my room. I get some clothes and took off my towel to dry myself. As I'm doing that I hear the door open

"AHHHH OMG Y/N PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!" Brie yells covering her eyes

"Oh please it's nothing you haven't seen before, we've seen each naked almost all the time. Don't forget the time we showered together" I said rolling my eyes starting to put on my clothes

"Whatever, just get dressed before someone else walks in please" she said Turing away to give me some privacy

When I'm done changing I tell her she can turn around now.

"You can turn around now babe" I said when she turned around I saw that her cheeks were a bright red..... did I just make Brie blush?

"Ok so now what do you want?" I asked

"Um nothing? I can't just com over to my best friends house to steal her food and lay in her bed"She asked making me laugh

"Oh my god Brie"



"What do you want to do?" She asked

"Do you wanna go to the park?" I asked

"Sure why not , there's something I need to tell you, but I'll tell you when we get there" she said getting up

"Ok come on"

We walked to the park and immediately went to the swings pushing each other, until we got tired and laid in the grass

"So Brie you said there was something you wanted to tell me?"

"Oh right, so when I tell you this and you don't want to be friends after that's totally fine" she said and I started getting worried she did something behind my back

"What is it?"

"So I like you like more than a friend, ever since we were 13 and I was always so scared to tell you because I know you don't like me back and that's fine you probably have someone who you like an-"I cut her off by pressing my lips to hers, she kissed back almost immediately. I felt her relax into my lips, when we needed air we pulled away and I put my hand on her cheek

"Thank god you like me cause I like you too I just can't  believe it took us this long for us to confess" I said making us both giggle

"There isn't anyone else  it's just you.."

"Good! Because it's just you too"

"BUT!"I said

"Oh no what is it?"

"If we ever break up, which hopefully we don't. We have to promise to work things out and if neither of us want to get back together that's fine and promise to still be friends. Cause no matter what Brie I'm always going to need you, you're my best friend and I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you" I said and she looked at me

"Of course y/n you're my best friend too, I'm always gonna stick with you no matter what, I want to spend the rest of my life with you" she said pulling me into a hug

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you do you want to back to my place and eat all the food and watch movies?" I asked making her laugh

"Please, I'm starving I haven't eaten anything my mom didn't make breakfast or lunch" she said and we got up Interlocking our hands

"Does this mean we are dating now?"I asked

"Yea, you kind of don't have a choice" she said making us both laugh

"Ok then" I said

The rest of day we spent in my room watching movies and eating snack and cuddling.

I'm so happy to have Brie as my best friend, well now my girlfriend. She's the best thing  to ever happen to me.

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