Wanda x Nat

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^^ caught Kennedy's ass in 4K 📸 
It's official everyone Kennedy is a Wattpad beater 😔💪🏻 kennedyolsen 😈

For Natalia tho my bae<33 😩💪🏻


Wanda POV

Yesterday was y/n's 20th birthday. Nat and I had decided we wanted to get y/n a puppy since that's what she always wanted, and because that was her one request for her birthday. 

She didn't say exactly what kind she wanted so we decided on a Siberian Husky! It's a girl who doesn't have a name so we just decided that we would let y/n name her!

"Okay, are we ready to go?" Nat asks me

"Yes! Should we go buy the supplies or should we let y/n do it?" I asked as Nat handed me the leash.

"Hmm, maybe we should let y/n do it! Oh wait I have an idea!!" she says happily 

"What is it!!"

"So how about we take the puppy home to hide her with Maria . Then we take y/n to the pet store have her pick out what she would want for a dog. Buy everything and obviously, she will keep asking what it's for but we won't tell her. We will text Maria to put the puppy on the bed right when we pull up to the tower so when she walks into the room y/n will see her and then she'll know. Yeah ?"

"Omg yes, it'll be so cute!!!" I said excitedly I gave her a kiss before we both got into the car.

Time skip~

When we got home we made sure that y/n didn't see and took the puppy to Marias we. Then we made our way to the living room where we knew y/n would be!

"hi!" I said walking in front of her with a big smile on my face. And Nat standing next to me also smiling.

"What are you two smiling about?" she asks standing up giving both of us a kiss

"Nooothing!" I say giggling

"hmm okay," she says smiling and looking at me suspiciously

"Go changer your clothes we are going to the store!" Nat said lightly pushing y/n to our room

"What store?" y/n asked turning around

"Don't ask questions just go get dressed," Nat said pushing her lightly again

"Fineeee" y/n whined

Y/n's pov

Nat and Wanda are being weird. I know they are up to something but I just don't know what. I walked into our room and went to our closet and changed into more presentable clothes, and put some shoes on.

I make my way back to the living room where they are sitting.

"Mkay, I'm ready!"

"Okay let's go!!!" Wanda says standing up grabbing the keys then grabbing my hand, and out of instinct, I grabbed Nats' hand too.

We all get into the car, me in the back seat, Wanda in the passenger, and Nat in the driver's seat.

"Okay now, will you two tell me where we are going?" I asked crossing my arms looking at both of them waiting for one of them to respond.

"Patience love. We are almost there!" Nat said looking at me through the rearview mirror slightly smirking.

"Ugh fine," I said rolling my eyes letting out a big sigh crossing my arms.The two just laughed at me.

We then pulled up to a pet store.

"Why are we here?" I asked

"Buying dog stuff!" Wanda said

"Wanda, we don't even have a dog," I said

"Just come on Geez"

"Ugh" we all got out and made our way to the store And walked over to the dog section.

"Alright love, you can get anything you want!" Nat said smiling at me.

"Okay, but this doesn't even make any sense" I sighed

Okay time skip sorry<33

They still didn't tell me what all of this is for, I kind of had an idea but I wasn't too sure if I was right.

I got a super soft bed, a lilac leash, and vest, a food and water bowl, some toys, some treats, and food!

We soon arrived home, I didn't ask any more questions as I already know how they are going to respond. They helped me get the stuff out of the car. We got into the elevator and pushed our floor. As the doors opened Maria was standing right there waiting for the doors to open.

"Oh, Maria!" I smiled at

"Hi y/n" she also smiled and walked into the elevator after we got out.

"Okay, will you guys tell me what all this is about?" I sighed placing a hand on my hip

"Yess, come let's go to the room" Nat said

"Oh God this better not be some weird kink you guys developed" I said and we all laughed

"No no, just come on" when we reached our room Wanda placed her hand on the doorknob then looked at me.

"Ready?" wanda asked

"hmm yes!" she smiled then opened the door I walked in first.

"Oh my- awww" I walked over to the bed and picked up the puppy

"Oh my- awww" I walked over to the bed and picked up the puppy

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"you like her?" wanda asked

"Its a her???"

"Yes! And you get to name her!" Wanda said as she locked her hands together placing them under her chin

"Can we name her luna!! Pleaseeee"

"Of course! She yours my love!" Nat said walking over to me placing a kiss on my cheek


"Yes all yours!"

"Oooo thank you,thank you,thank youuuu!!!" I said excitedly and pulled both of them into a hug then then giving both of them a kiss.

"I love two"

"We love you too" they both said

I honestly couldn't be happier

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