Nat 🏙🌧

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Requested by @lololover14

-Nat and the reader are out on a walk. As they are walking someone recognizes both of them and starts talking down on the reader. Nat gets protective and ends with fluff!

Ok back story. Savannah is y/n's ex. They broke up because Savannah became toxic. And assumed that y/n was cheating on her with Natasha! And now two years later Y/n and Natasha are dating and have been for a year!


No one POV (feel like writing is easier this way 🤷🏽‍♀️)

Natasha and y/n we currently on a walk. It had just rained and felt good outside so it a nice day for a walk. (In my opinion)

They were on their way to a little restaurant to grab some lunch when someone shouted y/n's name.

"Y/n!" They both turned around to see
Y/n's ex. Savannah

"Oh god..." y/n said

"How are you?" Savannah asked

Natasha scoffed and pulled y/n close

"Do you want to go?" Natasha asked

"No, it's fine."

"What do you want Savannah?"

"Nothing can't I say hi to my beautiful girlfriend?"

"Uh, we are not together Savannah get that through your head!"

"Hmmm whatever you say Beautiful" Savannah said pushing a strand of hair behind y/n's ear

"Get your hands off of her!" Natasha said slapping Savannah's hand away

"Geez y/n/n get your animal under control."

"Leave us alone Savannah please"

"Aww look at the little slut begging, well isn't it what you're good at. Isn't that right Natasha?"

This pissed Natasha off. So she decided to leave before Savannah says anything else to piss her off.

"Come on babe let's go," Natasha said

"Ok let's go"

The two were about to walk off when Savannah grabbed Y/n's arm.

"Come on baby don't be like that!"

"Let go of me!" Y/n said Trying to get out of grasp

Natasha turned around and punched Savannah.

"Leave her alone, don't come near her again!" Natasha said and of them walked away leaving Savannah on the floor

Y/n started crying. When Savannah grabbed her it brought back memories of when she was with her.

"Hey shhh shhh, it's ok baby don't worry I won't let her come near you again," Natasha said pulling y/n into a hug.

"I'm sorry, I ruined the day," y/n said in between sobs

"No you didn't, she did. Let's go home and watch a movie and cuddle


The girls soon arrive back at the compound.

"I'm going to shower want to join?" Natasha asked y/n

"Yea I'll be there in a minute," y/n said. Needing time to pull herself together


Once y/n was ok she walked into the bathroom and undressed joining Nat in the shower.

"You ok?" Nat asked

"Yea I'm ok now" Y/n smiling


The two girls showered and into comfy clothes. And not they didn't get into sweats and a hoodie it's too hot for all that and uncomfortable when you're under a pile of blankets 😐. Instead, they put on a big t-shirt and underwear 🩲 and slipped into bed. And turned on Hulu and decided to watch the movie "the heat".

They continued watching movies. More specifically Melissa McCarthy movies and at some point ordered dinner.

It was now 9:30 pm and both girls we exhausted.

Natasha looked down to see y/n asleep.

"Goodnight my love," Natasha said kissing the top of y/n's head and turning off the tv


A/n...Sorry if this isn't what you wanted and this is bad://

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