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Requested by @Eliza456074

-Lizzie's castmates don't know her real last name or her family. But one day her family visits her on set and they find out.

Lizzie and the reader are dating so there will be something with that!

They are shooting for infinity war 😜🙌🏽

Lizzies POV

I was currently onset of infinity war. I was sitting in my trailer when heard a knock.

"I'm coming!" I said walking to the door and opening it only to see my sisters Mary-Kate and Ashley standing there.

"Wha-what are you two doing here?" I said gesturing for them to come inside.

"What? We can't visit our little sister?" Ashley said giving me a smile

"No, it's just-"

"That what? Your friends still don't know that we are your sisters?"Ashley said sitting on the couch


The thing is no one knows who I am. All they know is that my Name Elizabeth and my last name is Chase. I've never told anyone I'm an Olsen because I don't want to be known as Mary-Kate and Ahsleys sisters or just another Olsen or even just compared to them.

"You know you'll have to tell them cant hide this forever they are going to find out eventually," Mary-Kate said

"I know but I'll tell them when I'm ready, until then you two have to go. What if they see you?" I said pushing them out the door

"Lizzie?" someone said I looked up to see Robert, Scarlett, y/n, both Chris H and E, Anthony and Sebastian.

Oh shit... They started walking towards us. I look at my sisters who are just frozen there.

"Um, what are the Olsen twins doing here?"

I didn't know what to do. What if they get mad at me for not telling them? Or start thinking badly of me?

"Liz I think you should tell them..." Mary-kate said

"I-um, no," I said panicking

"Yes Elizabeth" Ashley

"What's going? What do you need to tell us?" Y/n asked in a serious tone

Shit Y/n. What if she breaks up with me and hates me for keeping a secret? Shell never forgive me...oh God.

"Ok let's go inside somewhere," I said and walked into the lunchroom.

"Ok, what is it?" Robert asked

"Ugh ok how do I start this... So first let's start with who I am. You guys don't know much about me or who my family is. Well, Ashley and Mary-Kate are my sisters...."

"Wha-So you're an Olsen?" Scarlett asked

"no Scarlett she's Angelina Jolie's sister, yes she's an Olsen!" Anthony said Sarcastically

"Leave me alone Mackie," Scarlett said rolling her eyes

"Yes, Scarlett I am an Olsen.."

"Why didn't you tell us?" y/n said

"Well because I didn't want you to think any less of me or think of me as just another Olsen sister..." I said fighting back my tears

"Oh, honey we would never do that! You are still the same person we knew yesterday just because you share the same last name doesn't mean you have to be the same person. You aren't just another Olsen sister you are Elizabeth!" Y/n said as she got up and hugged me

She's right. As long as you are still the same person you were before we have no reason to think of you any differently! We love you Lizzie and always will no matter what!" Scarlett said joining in on the hug

"So you aren't mad?" I asked

"Of course not honeybunny!" Robert said and I laughed

He got up and hugged me and soon the rest joined in on the hug

"So no one is going to talk about the fact that The Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen are sitting right in front of us?" Anthony said

"shut up!" Y/n half-whispered nudging him in his side

"Ow!" he yelled

"Oh please it wasn't even that hard you big baby," Y/n said and we laughed

"Well, I got to film for my last scene of the day bye guys!" Sebastian said walking out

"I've got a kid to get home to! Bye, y'all!" Scarlett said

"Me too I got kids too!" Robert said following behind

Then everyone else left and it was just me my sisters and y/n...

"Sooooo you're the girl my sister has been seeing huh?" Ashley said as she and mary-kate backed her into a corner

"Hmm um y-yes...."

"Do you love her?" Mary-kate questioned

"Yes, I do very much-"

"Do you plan on marrying her one day?" Ashley asked

"Hm-yes," Y/n said as let out a whimper as they both continued to get closer to her

"When is her birthday?"

"What was her first pet?"

"What college did she attend?"

"What's her natural hair color?"

"Oh, girls that's enough! Leave her alone !" I said walking towards them grabbing y/n

"your sisters are scary..." y/n whispered

"Time for you two to go!" I said walking them out

"Mkay. Bye Liz well be back;)"Ashley said with a smirk

"No!" I said and they laughed

"Bye Liz mwah!" Ashley said and they both got in the car and left

"Y/n" they both said giving me the side eye

"They don't like me do they?"Y/n asked

"Give them time they just met you, babe, now come on let's go home"


A/n sorry if this is bad 🙃

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