Wanda,Daughter 👩‍👧

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BOO!! Heyy baby 🤍✌🏽.
Hey babes I went back and edited all my spelling errors and stuff like that 🙄 I can't even spell omg

Y/n's POV

Ever since my twin brothers were born my parents haven't really been paying attention to me.It's been all about them.
Your brothers this your brothers that help your brothers do this share with your brothers. It's annoying.

Today I wanted to spend the day with my mom catch up on some things.But when I asked she told she would be busy with the boys and that we could hang out some other time.

But it's the same thing all the time she tells me we can hang out another time and  that she's sorry but when another time comes she's always busy and it gets exhausting.So I've given up on trying to spend time with her.

And sometimes she would get mad at me for the little things. I hated making her mad and disappointing her.

And it's also the same with my father.But he actually tries to spend time with me unlike my mom.We hung out 2 two times since the twins were born.I enjoyed the time with him but I also wish my Mom would make the same effort.

In this time I felt alone like I had no one.And it can get exhausting at times because you hold so many emotions in that it takes a huge toll on you.So I decided that I would talk to my Aunt Agnes.She's my favorite person,she's always making me laugh taking me on crazy adventures.It's awesome.

So today that's what I was going to do.I put on some jeans and a lose shirt and some shoes and made my way down stairs.As I was leaving I heard my Mom call out to me.

"Y/n hun where are you going?" She asked walking out the kitchen wiping the dish water off her hands with a rag.

"I'm going out mom" I said annoyed with a bit of attitude

"Ok um the attitude was unnecessary and be back before dinner please"

"Ok whatever bye"

"Y/N!" I heard my mom call but I was already out the door.

I walked over to Agnes's house and knocked on the door.

No ones POV

"Y/n hun whatcha doing here?" She asked y/n with a bright smile on her face which caused the young girl to smile too

"Hi Aunt Agnes,I was wondering if maybe I could talk to you about some things!?" She asked Agnes

"Of course hun come on in!" She said and waved y/n in.

She walked in and took a look around the house.She and never been inside since Agnes was always inside their house

"You have a lovely home Aunt Agnes!"

"Why thank you dear,although I do prefer your house over mine;)" she said winking at her.

"So what's wrong love?"

"It's my mom,she hasn't really been spending time with me ever since my brothers were born and I just really feel alone right now and I need someone to talk to"

"Oh honey I'm sorry,I'm sure she wants to spend time with you,having young ones can be quite tough and exhausting!" Agnes said and looked to the side thinking of something.

"Say why don't you and I go out! We can go hang out whenever you want!"

"Really?" Y/n asked excitedly

"Yea! It'll be fun!"

"Ok great! How about tomorrow 11:00am? Since it's kind of late right now and I have to be home before dinner"

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