Part 1: In the park

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I crumbeled my empty chip bag, and got up from my chair.
'No more being lazy', I thought.
I walked to the door and opened it. A warm and wonderful breeze hit me. What a lovely weather! I suppose I could take a little walk.

After putting my shoes and thin jacket on, I went outside.
The sky was clear blue and it was hardly any clouds.

Fortunately, the local park wasn't far away.
I walked slowly, but normally, so I could enjoy the weather.
It was really perfect outside. Just like in some kind of dream. I had recently moved here, and I wasn't very pleased with the place. But now ...

Suddenly the park was right ahead of me. That went fast!
And to my surprise a bench was free.
I ran towards it, before anyone else could sit down.
The only people who was in the park was a little girl and a lady, and a man reading the newspaper.

I had brought a book with me, so I started reading.

Just like that the warm air faded away, and got replaced by a cold and unpleasant wind. What on earth?
I looked up and saw a boy sitting beside me. That's weird! I can't remember that he was there before.

"Hi ...", I tried.

The boy remained silent

"I'm new here. Wasn't it weird that the weather suddenly changed?", I tried talking to him again.

"Not...really.", he said with a gloomy tone.

"Oh, so it does that a lot here? What a pity." I sighed and stood up.

"I think I'll leave.", I said with sadness in my voice.

"There's no need, it's only a little windy.", the boy said.

"Yes, but I think I'll go to the store instead. I wan't something to drink ... Why don't you join me, then?"

I smiled to him.


I grabbed his wrist and dragged him up.

"If you are new here, do you even know where the store is?", he asked.

"O-Of course I do!", I said, while blushing.

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