Why is Everybody Starring?

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Kat didn't stop texting me. This is how it went:

Kat: Hey R u at home

Kat: Can u come to the game

Kat: It just started

Kat: I'm coming to pick you up whether u like it or nah

Before I had even read any of them someone knocked on the door.

"Oh crap," I muttered. The first thing that came to mind was to hide. The second thing was, what's she gonna think of my clothes?

"Oh my gosh, what are you wearing?" she burst into my room while I was looking frantically for somewhere to hide.

"My stay at home clothes," I answered, "I guess I have to stay at home."

"Well, I guess you'll just have to change," then she opened my closet.

After her saying yes to an outfit I didn't want to wear, she dragged me to her car and strapped me in. The whole 9 yards. I was wearing pre-holed distressed jeans and a green sweat jacket (for school pride) she found in my closet. It wasn't, like, an ugly sweat jacket, just ugly on me. She took my hair out of he braid that it was in so it was in waves down my back to my waist.

Kat made me wear a light amount of make up and my stylish glasses on because I refuse to wear contacts. I have a pair of the timely classic nerd glasses and some pretty glasses that are a rectangular frame that frame my face. I kind of smiled at my appearance.

So, back to the present, she paid for my way in and they stamped my wrist with a 'Dawg.' I was not in a good mood. It was 7 at night and I should be at home. But Kat dragged me down the cement stairs to the front row and we were up by 7 points and had the ball.

Hike! The QB I noticed to be Andy Woods. He, being smaller, had an arm. I think I saw his hand slip as he threw the ball. I couldn't be more right. The ball went into the stands at 1,000,000 mph. Or that's how it seemed. It looked like it was going to go right over me but it made a sudden curve down. I stood up and it landed perfectly in my arms. I was waiting for the sting in my arms to form but nothing happened.

They let me keep the ball. I was planning on giving it back to Andy after the game or at school the next day. The game kept going on until it was tied with 28-28 and there was 15 seconds left. It was our 4th down and we were at the 10 yard line. Everyone was screaming along with Kat. She was waving my arm in the air that wasn't clutching the ball.


"ANDY! ANDY! ANDY! ANDY!" everyone screamed.

I smiled as he looked over at the crowd and yelled a few words I didn't hear when the wide receiver, Ricky, scored the Touchdown right as the timer went out. I started to leave when I remebered the ball. Kat agreed to wait up as she went to go talk to some of her other friends. I waited for the team to come out.

And when they did Andy saw me and smiled. I gave him a small wave. As he walked by me I took his arm and pulled him from the crowd.

"Ouch, Hanna," he took his arm back and smirked.

"Sorry," I snapped back, but then I regained my niceness, "Here's the ball."

"Crap, my ride's leaving, could you give it to me at the party."

"What party?"

"The one at Ricky's house, just find me there, but right now I really gotta go," and he disappeared from my line of vision.

I walked over to Kat as if in a daze.

"Hanna, are you okay, you look...surprised?" she looked down at the football I still had, "Weren't you gonna give that to Andy."

"He said to give it to him at Ricky's house and said there was a party over there."

Kat squealed so loud she was attracting eyes.

"Kat, are you okay?"

"You...just...got...invited...to...a...FOOTBALL PARTY!" she screamed, "And not only that but by the quarterback himself!"

I rolled my eyes and ordered her to give me the keys. She couldn't drive in her condition.

"Wait! Where do you think you're goin?'"

"To the party, I'm not gonna keep this thing in my room," I smelled it, then omphed at the sweaty smell, "It stinks."

"Oh, you're just finding something to complain about, we're going home."

"You dragged me from my home 3 hours ago and now you're making me go back. Make up your mind!"

"Fine! Go to my house, I've got some sweet clothes that'll make the boys drool."

I groaned. It was 10 at night and I was going to a party. This is so not how I planned my night.


"Kat, I am so not going in there dressed like this."

"It's not immodest, Hanna, loosen up."

"It's also not my style, Kat, and no, I don't want to loosen up, I want to go home."

We found Ricky's house and were parked a block away. We could still hear the music. I took the football in my right hand as Kat and I walked up the street to the house we could literally hear a block away.

I have no idea where Kat gets dresses like these. It was a spaghetti strapped, light pink, knee length dress with a foofy bottom to make it look so pretty. Although when I put it on Kat made me wear a leather jacket over it so that's what she meant by it's not immodest.

"Kat, do I have to go inside?" I whined.

"Yes, you do, now come on."


Everyone was...how do I say this...at the least acting drunk. The majority of people weren't even in the house. They were out on the front lawn dancing to the music blasting from the inside. Kat and I scanned the front yard for Andy but he wasn't there. In fact as I walked in to go find him Kat was already dancing with the boy she liked.

I just rolled my eyes and walked inside.


A/N: 2nd chapter is up! Thank's for reading! What should happen next?

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