Thank You So Much

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After Spanish, Kat came up to me with a confused look on her face. "Why aren't we partner's in Spanish?"

"Mr. Longsten wanted Andy and I to be partner because I'm tutoring him."

She looked like she understand. She nodded. "Okay, I understand. I can't believe that his partner is usually Bryce!"

I rolled my eyes. She is a little boy crazy. Right now, her 'crush' is Bryce and Carson. Bryce is like the crazy-hot guy in Football. He is smart when he wants to be, then he acts crazy and stupid when he is with his friends, besides Andy. Andy is like his only real friend that Bryce can act like his normal self. While Carson is smart all the time and he plays soccer. "Whatever. I have to go to Honors Science right now."

I wave bye to her. She walked away to her Honors English class.


Right when I walked in, this girl bumped into me. I knew it was a girl because I heard a squeal, unless if it was a guy who squeals really high-pitched. "Say sorry!" I heard a girl said.

I tilted my head. "Who are you?"

They gasped. "I'm Carrie and the girl you 'bumped' into is Sadie! Now apologize!" Carrie said.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Leave her alone girls." Andy said.

Carrie looks at him like Andy was her boyfriend. "B-b-bu-but Andy bear! She-horse bumped into Sadie!"

Andy mouthed, "I'm sorry" He looks at her crazy. "First of all, don't call me Andy-bear. Second of all, don't call her a she- horse. And last of all, leave her alone."

Carrie scoffed while Sadie shot me a nasty look. "Fine." Sadie said.

They left while Andy like he was about to say sorry."I'm sor-"

"Don't say sorry. I need to say thank you. I just said it." I said while giggling.

He was thinking about to say something. I know because he bit his lip, while scratching his neck. "Hey bro, let's go sit right now before Mrs. Smith gets mad at all of us." Joey said, giving Andy a heads up.

Andy nodded. "Thanks for the heads up Joe."

Joey nodded and walked away. The funny thing out of this whole thing is when Joey was walking in the room, he hit the top of the door. He is like 6 ft 5 though. We walked in and class barely began. "Okay class, we are learning about Clarke's three laws."

Everybody groaned.


It was lunchtime and I found Kat sitting next to Bryce. So, I was about to go up to them but Andy stopped me. "If I was you, I would stop from going over there."

I looked confused. "Why?"

He shrugged. "They are working on their Spanish project."

I nodded. "Okay, I'm going to sit next to Diana and her boyfriend. Oh, and also Dani."

He nodded and left me alone. I went to them. "I can kick you in the place it hurts, Jasper." Diana said.

Gee, here they are, how lovely dovey they are. "Do it. I bet you can't do it!" Jasper said.

Diana was about to do it, but she made up her mind and didn't. "I knew it!" Jasper said.

Diana hit him in the guts. "Ow!" Jasper said.

Diana smirked. "Hey Hanna!"

I waved to them. "Como estas?" (How are you?) Dani asked.

"Bien, y tu?" (Good, and you?) I asked.

"Bien." She said.


I had to go to Math. It sucks because none of my friends are in that class. I have a lot acquaintances though. "Hey Hanna! Come sit next to us!" Clara said.

I nodded and sat next to them. "What's up?!" Eve said.

"Nothing much. You?" I asked.

She pointed up. "The sky!"

Sierra started chuckling. I tilted my head in confusion. She shook her head. "Nevermind."

I nodded. Sierra and Eve sat next to each other, while Clara and I sat next to each other. The bell rang. Mr. Collins walked in. "Okay students, we are going to do a project!"

Cleo and Liv was smiling, while everybody was groaning. "Don't start complaining already! You guys get to work with partners at least!" Mr. Collins said.

The boys started cheering while the girls gave each other hive fives. "I choose for you though."

Everybody groaned again. "Clara, you are with Dayton. Sierra, you are with Joey. Eve, you are with Dallas. Cleo, you are with Kyle. Liv, you are with Andre. Carrie, you are with Thomas. Sadie, you are with Cory. Hanna, you are with Carson..." He kept going on.

Carson Mendez is a awkward type of guy. I never see how Kat likes him. When Mr. Collins finished, he got us to sit next to our partners right after. "Oh.. Clara gets her crush for her partner." Sierra whispered.

"Aww!" Eve said.

Everyone snapped their necks to those two. "What's aww?" Dallas asked.

"Uh.... none of your business." Eve said.

"It is! You're my cousin, so you have to tell me everything." Dallas said.

"But it's my business as well. You can't do anything about it, so ha!" Sierra said.

"People! Go to your partners.. Go, go!" Mr. Collins said.

I walked up to Carson. "Hi Carson." I said

"Hi Hanna." Carson said and waved at me.


It was our last class of the day and I have it with Kat and Diana. It's orchestra! Everybody brings there stuff to that class because we are lazy to go back to our lockers. Anyway, we go in class and I sit next to Diana while Kat sit next to Jessa. Mrs. Nelson came in and said "Let's get a tuning."


After we tuned, we started our new song called M to the Third Power. I'm in first violin, so it's a bit hard. Carson is also in this class, but he plays cello. Liv plays viola too.

"Great job!" Mrs. Nelson said.


I finished! The picture is Bryce and the video is the song. I'm actually playing that song and it's hard but I'm getting the hang of it! Your turn Sarbear! ~ Cat

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