You Haven't Lived

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"Como se dice me gusta futbol americano en ingles?" I asked.

He knew what como se dice meant (how do you say) and he knew what everything else was but I spoke very fast to see if he would catch it. So far he had asked me to repeat it two-no three-times.

"I like...FOOTBALL!!!!" he was excited. He had finally understood what I had said after a small happy dance, he looked at me and said, "Hey, I actually do like football."

I rolled my eyes. He just laughed at me. We were sitting in his room that was as cool as the rest of his house. It was a mess of course. Every inch of floor was covered in clothes, gadgets, and football padding. Although when he said it was messy this was what I was thinking. Predictable football quarterback.

He sat back down from his happy dance and I started smirking. I was trying to hide my laughter. He then, pouted and poked my side. I squealed in surprise.


Andy found out my weak spot. I could see it in his face.


After the tutoring he gave me a ride home and said he'd repay me in a few hours. That would probably be around nine.

"See ya, Sweetie," he waved and drove off.

I rolled my eyes and started walking through my door. My mother was waiting on the couch with my father. That was my clue as to something was wrong.

"Hanna," Mama said, her dark eyes tearing up, "Your abuela is very sick."

I started to sit when I heard that statement, "So I'm getting out of how much school?"

"You aren't."

It was my father. His stocky build on the couch was hard to visualize. I mean, he was always at work. I saw him very rarely.

"You are going to stay at Andy's home," Ma said

"What?" I asked, "Mama can't I stay with Kat or someone other than him?"

I couldn't believe it. Seriously? My family wanted me to go and live with a boy for a while and not my friend that I've known forever.

That's an exaggeration.

"Pack your bags for a week at the most," Mama said, shooing me into my room.

I didn't understand. Did our parents get that close in a matter of days? What changed that I didn't know about? Why is my father agreeing to this?

I started running my hands through my drawers looking for a week's worth of clothes in my bland dresser. My room, being nothing special, shouldn't hold a boy. So when Andy's voice said, "Boo," I jumped out of my skin.

Oi, no hagas ese!" I squealed.

He laughed, his smile was a joking smile. He was wearing the clothes he wore before. An Under Armor t shirt and a matching pair of B-Ball shorts. His brown hair had messy waves all throughout it. I laughed at his reaction. He probably thought I swore or something.

After I recovered from my shock and when I laughed he gave out a nervous laugh. I hit him with the first thing I held, which was a pair of socks, and whacked his arm with a few meaningless swings before I gave up.

"Don't do that again," I threatened.

"Do what? This?" and he poked my side once more.

I squealed and laughed at him, "I meant don't scare me but don't do that either."

He twirled me around and we fell down on my bed and just laughed at everything. The flecks of dust visible on my dresser, the fact that I was going to live with my 'student', the fact I was still holding his hand, and his eyes still staring at my face. Wait...

Those last two don't sound right. I got up right away and thought about I had just thought. "Are you okay?" 

I nodded and just smiled. He raised a eyebrow but ignored what happened. I sighed in relief because he believed what just happened.

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