I'm Just Never Gonna Get Rid of This Ball

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I saw so much people drinking and grinding on each other and it's disturbing. I went to the kitchen for water and all I saw was alcohol, and alcohol, and more ALCOHOL!!

Kat came in, looking confused. "What happened now Kat?"

"Nothing. I was looking for soda and all I see is alcohol. Ricky must be so dumb!" She slurred.

I giggled. I bet that she mistaken the alcohol for water. "Time to go home Kat."

She kept whining. "No! Let's stay and party!" She spin around

"NO! Let's go! You don't want Carson to see how you are. Don't you?" I said raising my eyebrows.

She sighed. "Fine. But, don't forget the ball for Mr. Woods." She smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "I will give it to him right now. Just wait here."

She nodded. I went to the car and got the ball. Right when I went inside, I bumped into somebody. "Are you okay?"

I looked up and it was Andy. "I'm fine. Oh, and here-"

"Nice, see ya." He said while getting pulled by this girl.

I still have his ball. Kat was pulling me on the dance floor. "I love this song!" Kat yelling over the crowd.

Someone pulled me into their arms. I turned around and it was my crush, Cory. I smiled, but I wanted to go home. I was about to walk away but Cory held my hand. I turned around and he kissed me. He smelt like alcohol.

I wanted to be so happy but he was drunk. DRUNK! I slapped him and left to get Kat. I saw Kat talking to this cute guy. I walked up to her and told her "Let's go please!?!"

She smiled. "Ya, sure. See ya around Bryce." Kat said

"See ya Kat." He winked

He was barely taller than her, but he was still cute. I saw Kat blush a little. When we got inside the car, she asked "Did you give the ball to Mr. Quarterback?"

"No, and let me drive."

"I'm fine. I was pretending to be drunk, so I could fit in the crowd. Bryce wasn't drunk as well, so we started talking."

I rolled my eyes. "If we get in a car accident, you will be paying for my hospital bill." Totally ignoring her.

"Fine, but we won't get in a car accident." Kat said

We were listening to 104.3 fm. Kat was singing a lot in the car ride and it got on my nerves. "Stop singing!!"

She got silent right after I said that. I looked out the window and smiled that I am almost home.


"Here, you're home." Kat said tired.

"Good night Kat."

"Good night Hanna."

She left when I went inside. I have the ball with me still. My mom was right there in my room when I barely opened up the door. I gasped. "Ma, ¿Por qué estás en mi habitación?!" (Why are you in my room?!)

She sighed. "¿Por qué te fuiste por tanto tiempo?" (Why were you gone for so long?)

"I was with Kat."

She rolled her eyes. "Of course. Why didn't I think about Kat?"

"Why do you care about Kat?"

"Nothing. Just go to sleep. We are going somewhere in the morning."

I sighed. "Okay, buenas noches."

She closed my door and I changed into a tank top and a pajama pants. I brushed my teeth and went in my blanket. I still have the ball, I kept thinking. It was around 1 in the morning already.


"Hanna, wake up!!!!" My sisters jumped on me while screaming.

"No." I groaned.

"I'm telling mom!" Meli said

"Don't you dare Meli." I warned her.

"Watch me." Meli said and ran off.

"Dang it Meli!!" I said getting out of bed and chasing her.

She was behind the door. I was looking all over for her. I was right in front of the door and I felt something. I turned around and there she was. I screamed. All she did was laugh. "Meli!! Why did you do that?!?!"

She shrugged. "You didn't get up, so I did that."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, now let me get ready."


I'm wearing a superman shirt that is purple and skinny jeans with boots. "Hanna, hurry up!!" mom said.

"I'm coming!" I yelled.

I was coming downstairs. "Hurry up and eat because we really need to go." Mom said

I had cereal. "Okay, you ate. Let's go!!" Gabi said, running out the door.


We were at another house. "Behave, because this is important. Okay?" Mom said

We all nodded. My mom knocked on the door. This guy opened the door. Wait, I know him. I just can't remember his name. "Hi, my mom is waiting for you, Mrs. Gomez."

 "Hi Hanna." He said.

It's Andy! "H-Hi Andy?"


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