chapter 1 2/2

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It's already midnight, the night went fast as we were here half an hour interrogating the deviant. I noticed in the files that Gavin had been partnered with the advanced Capti, an advanced machine type android from the company Staillerlife; in addition its LED is different from Connors.

My father was stressed as he was questioning the android who refused to talk."Why d'you kill him? What happened before you took that knife? How long were ya in the attic? Why didn't you even try to run?" The android ignored my dad, until my father slammed the table with frustration.

He looked pissed.''Say something god dammit!!" Not a singly flinch the deviant made, my dad growled as he walked back to where everybody was.

"We're wastin' our time interrogating a machine, we're gettin' nothing out of it!" Dad complained. Gavin made a sly smirk of satisfactions of failure, "Could always try roughing it up a little. After all, it's not human." Damien watches his movements, it must have calmed down from its weird behavior.

Connor reacts with a monotone voice.''Androids don't feel pain. You would only damage it and that wouldn't make it talk." Damien decided to add from its small information. "Deviants also have a tendency to self-destruct when they're in stressful situations, we are lucky we have a Cyberlife deviant for today; the Staillerlife Capti's can tend to attack and eventually murder an individual." Connor slowly looked at Damien with shock, kind of impressed by its voice too.

"Okay, smartass. What should we do then?" Gavin snarled as he took a step to the android and Capti.

"I could try questioning it?"

Gavin sarcastically laughed as he went back to his spot.

My dad sigh in annoyance,"What do we have to lose? Go ahead, suspect's all yours, but Gavins cati or capison has to be with you in case something odd happens' ' Connor smiled,they both eventually went to the other room, walked inside the interrogation room. The Capti walked to a corner of the room in the left of Connor while the other sat down in the available chair.

The Cyberlife android looked at the photos taken, he sat down across from the deviant. He showed the deviant the photos.

Connors p.o.v

The DM10,000 capti started to interrogate the deviant.''You recognize him? It's Carlos Ortiz,Stabbed, 28 times. That was written on the wall in his blood shoulin" The capti said

"You're damaged. Did your owner do that? Did he beat you?" I said as I looked at its wounds, they were burned and dry blood spread all over them

 The Capti android stated another question for the deviant.

"Listen, I know you've been through a lot, but you need to help it understand what happened." The Capti knows what happened. Unfortunately  I can't tell it what happened, it is classified for it to tell me.

I sighed."I'm not going to hurt you. I just need to ask you some questions, so we can understand what happened." I said to the deviant, it stayed quiet still. The Capti didn't say anything either. "You've refused to talk since they arrested you. If you don't cooperate, they'll do things the hard way. Is that what you want?" The deviant didn't respond. I have to do good cop bad cop.

The Capti sighed calmly,"If you won't talk, It's going to have to probe your memory." 

"NO! No, please don't do that!.." The deviant jolted up. It's showing extreme anxiety and terror just by looking at me.''We are here to help you. But you've got to trust it. All I want is to get you out of here." The Capti said, the deviant look at the mirror.

" What... What are they gonna do to me? They're gonna destroy me, aren't they?" The Capti just stared blankly at the deviant, it doesn't know what to say.

He is my DM-10,000 (Connorx Cooper(OC) x Lia(lolbits OC)[ Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now