Chapter 2

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Nov 7

7:12 am

Coopers p.o.v

*windows opening*

I shot opened my eyes as I glance around my unknown surroundings. The data memories are all corrupted since I've been electric transferred to another DM10,000 Capti model, which must have been a small program mistake in my model. I've glanced down to my right as I saw the RK800 model shut down in sleep mode, since when was I placed here?

I heard something ring in my right ear, I notice somebody is calling me from my charcoal Colored LED. I put my middle finger in my LED to accept the call into my mindset program.

I heard a familiar voice. "Hey Damien".

I felt my program switch to an unnecessary slang wording and attitude of the previous generation. "What in the fooking hell are ya' calling at six in the morning you mother of a dump truck!"

I heard her laugh from the other line, she sighed." I just wanted to know if you want to accompany me, since we just met you know, we can know a bit from each other." I glanced at the RK800 android.

I turn the other way, hiding my weird blush face." I'm sorry, but my program is installed to follow orders of my owner Detective Gavin Reed '' I said as I started to touch my fingers, expanding away from them making them release sharp claws; which no shit made me startled. I wonder what my model was supposed to do with these unknown features. "No worrie, he doesn't give a shit, sooo want to hang out?" I gave a hum.

"Where are we doing?" I responded to the girl." Just burning you know what, FATNESS, so you coming or what?" I made a quiet sure, she accepted it and hung up the call. I got up from the uncertainty bed as I fixed my tie.

Across the room, I saw a familiar black shirt with white wording. I blankly walked towards it and picked it up with my left hand. It's called an "SCP Foundation".

Memory Data: Increase ⏫

"Dad, It's what I always wanted!! Thank you!!!"

I accidently dropped the shirt with shock, I stared blankly at the shirt with confusion. I walked out of the room into the living room, finally going outside where I left my motorcycle. I got on it and started it running, heading to the crazy ass lady.


Time skip- Fun Fact Time!

Fact: Damiens original name was Cooper, but was decided to be changed by a special idea coming up!

Fact: Damien is made of plastic, but almost half of his body was made of recycled trash to help environmental disaster.


I was greeted with a dry snort of laughter as I hop out of the motorcycle." We're running not biking idiot" she rolled her eyes as she hug me.
" I had to get here as fast as possible, I should have ran here" I felt the urge to hug her back, as I started to move my arms closer I received a startling warning of "Don't Hug Capti DM 10,000" I let go of her as she returned to her recent spot.

"so ready for a run" she said looking at me with her hazel eyes. I gave her a firm nod as we both began to jog to a nearby park said she spent time in. "- and if you go for a left the park should be right...HERE!" She breathed out as we reached our destination. She was out of breath and her chest was rising and falling from the jog......meanwhile, i'm just following her.

" yer tired already?" I questioned her as I teased her, fluffing my bangs over my left eye covering my black void glitch eye.

" No!" She objected as she stood up. I walk to the "paletero" who sells Ice cream. " Que honda seño"(what's up man/women) I said to the paletero.

He is my DM-10,000 (Connorx Cooper(OC) x Lia(lolbits OC)[ Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now