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Puma's p.o.v

The elevator of this crappy place looks like it's going to stumble in the ground. Connor has its eyes closed while my dad was bored out of his mind. The motion of the object stopped as the doors opened; my father and I got off, except Connor.

My dad gave an annoyed grumble." Hey Connor," I whisper-yelled, he didn't move an inch. I sigh as I walk to Connor-- I slapped his side of the head. Connor jolted as he looked around. "You ran out of batteries or what?" I said confused.

Connor stared at me. "I'm sorry, I was making a report to CyberLife." He responded.

I giggled." Uh... Well, do you plan on staying in the elevator?" I said jokingly at Connor.

"No! I'm coming." He said defending himself,he got out of the elevator.

" What do we know about this guy Connor?" My dad asked him.

"Not much. Just that a neighbor reported that he heard strange noises coming from this floor. Nobody's supposed to be living here, but the neighbor said he saw a man hiding an LED under his cap, ''If I'm correct it must be a Cyberlife android." He responded.

" Oh Christ, if we have to investigate every time someone hears a strange noise, we're gonna need more cops." My dad said sarcastically like always.

"Hey, were you really making a report back there in the elevator? Just by closing your eyes?"" I asked Connor who was walking beside me.


I looked below me " Shit... Wish I could do that...'' I said under my breath,bet if I have one it will make my life easy. We stop at a door,Connor insists on knocking.

"Anybody home?" He said..no response, he looked at us. I walk next to him bumping him with his hip. I got out a gun,then I banged the door like I had a seizure.

" FBI OPEN UP!!!" I yell then kick the door in a flash.
We quickly walk inside out with our guns.

"What the fuck is this?! Jesus, this place stinks... Uh, looks like we came for nothin', our man's gone.." I said as though nobody was here,but there were pigeons.
I walked around the house."Found something?"I ask Connor.

" I don't know... It looks like a notebook but it's...indecipherable; we need the DM10,000 to read it" he said as he held it. I looked at my right to find a jacket.

"R.T.". Probably initials."
"He put his initials on his jacket? That's something your mom does when you're in first grade..." My dad said, in the distance.

Connor and I walked to the bathroom, witnessing a chaotic college looking room. Connor walked its way to the sink.

" Its LED is in the sink,I was right it was a Cyberlife android" he said as he put the therium inside its mouth.

"Not surprised it was an android. No human could live with all these fuckin' pigeons..." My dad said.

"Any idea what it means?" I asked Connor, he pulled out his digit fingers from his mouth.

"rA9...written 2471 times... It's the same sign Shaolin the android of Carlos Ortiz wrote on the shower wall... Why are they obsessed with this sign?..." He responded,''my dad walked in."Looks like mazes or something..."
Connor glanced at the living room, he looked at a big hole in the ceiling. Connor got slammed on the floor from a siluett, as it barged out of the room making pigeons fly everywhere.

"God damn fuckin' pigeons! What are you waiting for?! Chase it!" My dad complains while he told Connor to chase the android, I followed him.

"LIA DON'T FOLLOW THEM" I heard my dad yell in the distance
I jumped a lot of obstacles that the android did,I've noticed that Connor is faster than me making him dash like some kind of animal. We entered the greenhouse,people talked shit to them.We then made it to the cornfield, I saw a shortcut so I decided to go there. I ran lots of stairs until I was a taller distance from the ground. I saw the android moving to my direction.

He is my DM-10,000 (Connorx Cooper(OC) x Lia(lolbits OC)[ Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now