chapter 6

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Monika's p.o.v

I've been in pumas house for hours now, she is taking so long!!!She said she had to investigate suspicious activity, this girl must have forgotten it was her birthday. I'm at the dinner table waiting for the puma to come back. It's been a few days since I have been living with Puma since she rescued me.

Damien and I have be-friended each other since we met. We understand each other .Puma and Damien were so nice to me, they took care of me and even taught me how to play the piano. Puma taught me lots of things.

Pumas dog Hunter is sleeping on the couch while the cat is taking a shit. Okay I know you are bored of reading this chapter now okay it's not my fault it's Mindalirous. An idea got in my head, a smirk creeped as I got a devilish Idea. I ran upstairs to Puma's bedroom not caring if I slam the door open, then I ran to her computer. I log in to the computer since I know her password.

I started to type something in the keyboard, maybe it was a bad idea since i'm not really good at ha-


You have to be fuc-

Damien p.o.v

I was at the police station with Gavin, we were discussing a plan to raid the Staillerlife tower, deviating every software of the Capti and androids of the two android making companies.

Gavin was drinking his coffee, Tina was off to a case while I was babysitting Connor who was exploring the police department. " Like that bitch was extra, she was acting full Karen on target, then Chris tased the bitch in front of her kids like dude it was lit." Gavin said as he drank his 4th coffee. I giggled at his reply.

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I looked at the file that was programmed, it was zeros and ones scattered in my system. I ignored them as I continued to discuss the plan with Gavin. He looked interested as he nodded at the plan, he started to wonder about something.

He looked into my eyes." Do you blame yourself?" He questioned. I slowly gazed at him with confusion. " What?" I responded to him.

He looked away for a moment, he sipped on his coffee. " Nothing, nevermind" he said calmly, I ignored the sudden question.

I look to my right to see Connor staring at me with suspicion, I stare at him back. I stood up and walked out of the break room, with Gavin in toe we both walked to his desk. I wonder why I feel uncomfortable of him staring at me.

Pumas p.o.v

I stopped my car in front of a building, they sent me a complainment of something suspicious. I sigh heavily as I jump off my car. I started to walk inside the almost abandoned five story building, in the file said there was something suspicious going on here. There was nothing but walls and dirty hallways.

I've had a bad feeling about this, It feels off and unwelcoming.
I quickly shake those thoughts away from me. What in the world is wrong with me? I must be tired or some shit, and this building is not helping me stay calm. I start to enter.

I drew up my gun as I quickly started to shuffle in one hallway. The dark and moist hallway made me almost gag in disgust, I should have told Connor to come with me or my dad. 'Why is it cold in here? Jesus this isn't Canada' I said to myself, I stopped my tracks as I heard crunching, fear started to invade me as the sound was almost seven feet away, I gulped as I started to walk forward. It looks like a room that doesn't have a door, nothing was there, just darkness and the smell of mucus battling me. I accidently made a gagging sound making the 'thing' alert, I heard a faint chuckle. I quickly grabbed my flashlight and walked into what it lurks.

My eyes widened as I saw it's eyes, radiant yellow eyes. It looks like Damien, its sharp teeth have therium written in them, I quickly glance down. There was a NK400, the Natsuki Staillerlife model. The machine was eating the android!!! I screamed as the Capti pound on me, I shot it in the head. HOW IS IT NOT DEAD?!?!?

The machine ran out of the room, the only thing I saw in its jacket written in cursive.


The Capti stare at me baring its fang like teeth."YOU BETTER BE GRATEFUL YOU LIVED" It said, it was growling at me.. " S-STAY AWAY FROM ME CANNIBAL" I yelled to it, the machine chuckled as it cleaned its bloody mouth. It booked it quickly as it laughed.

I jumped off in fear of what happened, I tried to chase the machine until I felt somebody grab my shoulder. The figure put a sock in my face, the smell of a chemical. I felt my eyes closing slowly.

Monika's p.o.v

The computer glitches uncontrollably, it appears that a signal from puma appeared. I search up the location in my mind.

Chuck n cheese

The horror attraction

I gasped as I ran out of the room, quickly getting out of the house. I started to dial Damiens serial number into my system to call him.

I hung up the call, but he didn't answer them. He must be too busy to call me back or answer them. I ran to the streets with pain still attached to my leg. Not worrying, I sent an alert to him and the location.

.Pumas p.o.v


What happened??

Did I die?

I slowly open my eyes as I flinch when the light meets my vision. I looked around at the dirty and grey room, there were abandoned and old party stuff scattered everywhere. I tried to stand up...I was tied in a chair and my mouth was covered with a sock or something. I panic as negative stuff gets in my mind.

I heard a dark chuckle."Well well, the sleeping beauty woke up" I heard a lustful voice, I turned to face at a corner of the room. A man was smirking at me, he got up and walked to me. I growl at him not wanting his dirty hand on me. Five other men came into the room, terror was formed in my face as tears started to form.

A guy with a dirty dark green shirt started to speak."Ya look like a snack my love" he commented. Tears are now forming in my eyes, I'm sorry for coming alone dad. A man with a black shirt walked up to me and tried to touch my face, tears started to pour from my eyes; until.

I heard footsteps. " YA BETTER NOT TOUCH HER" I looked at the voice...MONIKA?!?!?!

A sigh of relief escaped me. Monika growled at the six men, she got out a pocket knife, it was from Damien. She made a war screech as she charged the man. She stabs one of thems chest, she back-kicks the green shirt mens stomach. This was the weirdest day in my life, even on my birthday. I saw a figure running inside the room and started to choke one of the five men I saw closely.

Damien is going to kill him!!!!

I heard police sirens in the distance, she must have brought a few peeps here, Connor appeared out of nowhere. He quickly untied me from this hell hole and bridal style got me out of the building. Of fear I hugged him, Connor made a small smile as he put me inside my car. A blush escaped me.

We both look behind us as we see Damien and Monika walk out of the abandoned building with a few drops of blood in their uniforms.Connor walks up to them, he looks at Damien and licks his face. Damien made a green looking blush and pushed him away from him. I heard a faint scream of Damien since I was inside my car,I heard a few faint scream words of him.

He looked surprised," RK800, you are not allowed to use the program on me!!!" He yelled. "Sorry, I've had to know the people who are in the scene fir-" " No, you are programmed to look at the crime scene INSIDE, not evidence in my body!!!" He said scowling the Cyberlife android.

I snorted at the conversation of the robo-bitches. A thought interrupted me.

Why is the Capti android cannibalizing another android?

It looks so identical like Damien?

Something is wrong here...


He is my DM-10,000 (Connorx Cooper(OC) x Lia(lolbits OC)[ Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now