chapter 7

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Pumas p.o.v

Me and the guys are outside of Kamskis house. Yesterday at the Broadcast tower, we didn't find any evidence of the androids. Damien was with a blonde man with blue eyes at the last minute before leaving the case. Damien and Gavin got out early from the case with the strange man along, which from some reason made me kind of jealous of the sight, and Connor was starting to get kind of clingy with Damien and I.

I heard a familiar voice."Is everything ok, Detective?" Connor asked me. Oh great...I hate being scanned.

I made a fake smile." Oh I'm fine Connor, I'm just distracted for a moment. Nothing bad happening" I responded him, he didn't believe me. I glanced at Damien who was making a distance. He looked like he would cry any second. " Damien,are you alright?" I ask him, he stayed like that for a second.

He looks like he will run away any second. He looks terrified. He can't be a deviant, for I know he acts like one because of his program but, this is different. He looked at me with an unemotional expression." Im fine Detective Lia, I'm a Capti, I am programmed to fake emotions"he said as his voice became more monotone.

Damien 🔽


Connor looked at him with a surprise look mainly taken off of Damiens sudden act, he looked hurt by Damiens wording. Connor is starting to change the subject." How did you find Kamski?" Connor asked us.

"I remember this guy was all over the media when CyberLife first started selling androids... I made a few calls, here we are." He responded.

Connor looked at him."Kamski left CyberLife ten years ago... Why did you wanna meet him?" I asked my dad.

"This guy created the first two advanced androids. And he's the founder of CyberLife. Anybody can tell us about deviants, it's him..." He said as he rang the doorbell.


He rang again, until a blonde female android answered the door. She looked at us curiously.

"Hi... Uh... I'm, er, Lieutenant Hank Anderson and Detective Lia Moonlight, Detroit Police Department. We're here to see Mr. Elijah Kamski." Dad said to the android.

She smiled at us.

" Please, come in." She let us inside, the room was clean and fashionable.

"I'll let Elijah know you're here. But please, make yourself comfortable." She smiled again as she walked away.

Me and the boys start to look around, Damien looks at the painting of Kamski and a woman. While I sat next to my dad.

"Nice girl..." Dad asked.

Damien didn't respond as he stared at the painting.

" yea...she's really pretty" Connor responded too, a bit of jealousy came over me. Why? They are just androids, one is...really....handsome and innocent, while the other may be a wierd android,but cute.
" Nice place... Guess androids haven't been a bad thing for everybody... So, you're about to meet your maker, Connor and Damien. How does it feel?"

" Kamski is one of the great geniuses of the 21st century. It'll be interesting to meet him in person." Connor said impatient

Damien turns to look at us." Well I wasn't really built from his hands, I was built from William O'Brien and Michael Fong, but Kamski founded their Company Staillerlife '' Damien responded as he again massaged his neck and started to whence.

"Elijah will see you now." The girl informed us. We start to follow her in a room. We were in a room that had a red colored pool with a man swimming in.

He is my DM-10,000 (Connorx Cooper(OC) x Lia(lolbits OC)[ Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now