chapter 6/2

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Nov 11 

6:21 p.m

Pumas p.o.v

This is the strangest day in my life. I'm now in the DPD. I'm at my desk drinking orange juice that my dad gave me because we went to McDonald's for some reason. Connor is comforting me by patting my back and saying nice things to me, but is making me blush. Damien is nowhere in sight, he said he is with Tina.

Connor pat sofly my back.''There, hey good thing you're still alive. Everything will be alright, i'm here for ya" My dad said as he walked to me with a blanket in hand. He laid the blanket on my shoulder, I smiled kindly at him. Connor then stood there for a moment like he was thinking, he hummed and quickly walked to the breakroom, what's up with him?

Connors p.o.v

I looked again at the evidence in my mental mind, Pumas' description of a familiar Capti android attacking her. Did Damien do this to Puma, did it become deviant?I entered the breakroom where Damien and Tina Chen are hanging out. They were discussing something that I don't know about. I made a small growl and I stomped my way to Damien, I grabbed it's collar jacket and pinned it in a wall.

Its LED turned radiant green, it tried to lose my grip but I kept it in place. " WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?!?" I yelled at it, Tina Chen tried to stop my actions , but I pushed her away. I heard her call somebody but I didn't listen."Connor, what are you talking about!!!??" It said as it tried to push me away, I put more pressure on my grip. " She was going to DIE, You try to murder the dectective!!!" I said,making Damien tense every second that passed.

69^ pressure // DM10000

Destruction//Attack: 98 possible ^

It struggled to get out of my grip again, I knew he wouldn't hurt me cause I'm not alive." IF IT WASN'T FOR ME AND HANK, SHE WOULD'VE HAD DIED OR WORSE" I telled again, It's eyes were flicking to yellow, its sharp fangs were exposing to me with anger. " I was with you retarded ass!! I walked out with Gavin soon for lunch!!" it said while its elf designed ears twitched. We both growl at each other. I did another mental research.

I remember evidence of a bullet and lime colored blood.The vision of Damien attacking Puma, I look closely at the vision. A different serial number and model in the Captis jacket. It's not him.

I hear a gun click behind me.

"If you lay a single finger to him I will beat your sorry ass". I turn around to see Gavin Reed pointing a gun at me. I felt a sharp sting on my shoulder, I dropped him down to see the strange substance.There were two identical fang bite marks, no liquid to harm me. The Capti android hiss with anger as it walked away from the breakroom

He growled.''Don't tell anybody of what happened EVEN Amanda, it's Pumas birthday today. Act like nothing ever fooking happend" Its deep voice threatened me, I believe it was a mistake. I thought that Damien was the one who put Puma in danger.



Hostile ⏬

Not again....I should try to make it cheer up.

Damien p.o.v

Fooking Imbecil, why did he think I was the one who put Puma in danger. I sigh at the pain in my neck, It's like everyday is getting worse. Okay Damien just because I have pains doesn't mean I can't let Puma down on her birthday.....

  I walk down the hallway to the bathroom, I lock the door while I glance if somebody is in here.

I glance at myself in the mirror, everyday that passes,I feel like I'm more animalic,I feel strange when I'm around Connor and Puma....what is it?....Aunt Amanda can't know im a deviant. She will be disappointed or worse.

He is my DM-10,000 (Connorx Cooper(OC) x Lia(lolbits OC)[ Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now