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Although Leo was stripped naked, Nick kept his word and didn't try to do anything Leo might object to. After releasing him from the chains, Nick placed Leo into the grand marble bathtub's warm water after dousing it with salts and a bubble bath liquid. Much to his surprise, Nick began stripping.

"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?" Leo exclaimed.

"Joining you in the bath. You really like I'm going to let all this water go to waste when there's more than enough room for the two of us? You have to think of the planet too, mon beau, and I won't do anything perverted. I just want to enjoy a bath too."

Before Leo could object further, Nick stepped into the tub and placed himself behind Leo so that his chest was pressed against his back. Leo's cheeks became as warm as heated coals as he felt Nick's cock rub against the small of his back, but tried his best to ignore it. It was the first time had ever seen his alpha naked, and for a second he wished he had more time to stare at him longer. He had to admit that his alpha was built like one of those Greek god statues, and he loved how absolutely stunning he was without even trying. Of course, he was never going to tell him that.

"How are you feeling? Are you tired? I know it's late but I can get you something to eat if you're feeling a little hungry," Nick said as he rubbed Leo's shoulders tenderly, almost as if he were afraid that Leo was going to push him away.

"I'm not hungry. I'm fine," Leo answered simply. It was then when he realized it had been a long time since he last had a bath. His small home back in Akihabara was too small to have a bathtub in the bathroom, and he couldn't afford a bigger space. This was nice for a change, he thought, and the warm water eased his muscles.

"I didn't hurt you, did I? I know it was a punishment but I'm afraid I might've went too hard on you."

Leo raised his eyebrows even though Nick couldn't see his face. "No, not at all."

"Okay, good," he said and placed a small kiss on the nape of Leo's neck. "I just want to let you know that although I punished you, it doesn't mean I don't want what's best for you. "

"What's gotten into you all of a sudden? Have you gone soft? Because to me it seemed that you gave zero fucks about how I'd feel about any of this," Leo snapped and shrugged his mouth away.

"Don't be like this. You know I had no choice."

"You had no choice but to take me here against my will?"

"You have no idea how long I searched for you," Nick started. "I travelled everywhere in hopes of finding you. I didn't come to Japan for business. I came here because I had no luck anywhere else, and I was just about to leave too. How lucky I was to have found you just when I was booking my next flight for my next destination. Isn't that funny? I know you're still mad and that you were scared because we were strangers and I guess we are still considered strangers, but I was scared I was going to lose you. I was so scared that you were going to escape my sight, and I couldn't let that happen after searching for you for so long."

"Why were so desperate to find me though? It's not like everyone finds their mate before they die anyway."

"My father wanted to marry me off to a woman of a very powerful business group, but I felt nothing with her. She is beautiful and incredibly intelligent, but I would feel bad if I married her just so I can produce an heir one day. I also feared that she would also find her pair one day. I wanted to avoid the heartbreak before it could even bloom. It was easier to dismiss my father's wishes. He's still pretty angry with me though. He doesn't even know you exist yet." Nick released a long sigh. "I know it sound a little cheesy, but I didn't want to live life with someone I wasn't even destined to be with. I wanted to find you while I was still young so that I could spend the rest of my life with you."

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