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Walking back to the mansion was the most humiliated Leo had ever felt in his entire life. To think how close he was to getting away made his heart ache, and now he was probably going to be stuck with Nick again for a very long time, at least until he thought of a new plan. To make things worse, Leo knew he was going to be punished severely for this, and the thought alone frightened him. Nick had warned him countless times that if he had ever tried to run away again, he was going to have to reinforce rules even more strictly. Even so, Leo didn't regret trying to escape at all. In fact, he thought the more he fought against Nick, the less appealing he'd look to him. It was worth a try.

"The master will be waiting for you in his office," the guard informed him. "I'll accompany you there."

Leo said nothing and stopped trying to fight back. He was smart enough to know that if he try to pull something off again, there would be ten times the number of bodyguards present. He was tired trying to fight back if he wasn't going to be successful, but that didn't mean he was going to start being obedient just yet. If Nick wanted him to submit, he'd have to go through one hell of a time.

The closer they approached the door to Nick's office, the more nervous he felt. He didn't know what to expect, and he was afraid that Nick would limit his freedom within the mansion. The guard knocked on the door before opening it slightly and pushing Leo inside. He tumbled onto the floor and looked up to see an angry-looking Nick sitting atop his desk with his arms folded. Leo thought that he was so beautiful but tried to push the thought away. His natural instinct told him him that he wanted to be held. He wanted it.

"I warned you," he said calmly before he hopped down from his desk and began to make his way towards Leo. Panic surged through the shorter man's veins as he inched backward until his back hit the door. Nick looked down at him as he reached forward to lock the door with a key he fished from his back pocket. "I've been so kind to you, haven't I? So why do you keep trying to run away? What am I not doing right?"

"You kidnapped me, you fucking asshole!" Leo shouted.

"I had to, you know I had to."

"You did not. There was no reason for you to do it. I didn't even want to be here-"

"Why? So you can stay in the dump of an apartment? We both know how painful life is when you're not with your mate, Leo, and I saved you from that."

"It doesn't change the fact that you took me against my own will. I'd rather rot in my tiny apartment than ever choose to be with you," Leo told him angrily.

"You don't mean that," Nick said.

"I do."

"Hmm, then I guess I'll have to show you that you don't mean it," Nick sneered before reaching down and yanking Leo to his feet. "You will be getting punishment."

"Over my dead body," Leo said been though he knew it would be fruitless trying to argue now.

"It would make things easier if you just submit now," Nick told him and pulled him toward the desk.

"I'd rather die."

"Again, you don't mean that."

Leo tried to push and shove against Nick's grip, but it was proven to be useless once again. He didn't look like it, but he was very strong and was as sturdy as a boulder. It would tire Leo out further if he tried to fight back much longer.

Nick pushed him gently against the desk and laid his hands flat on the wooden surface. "The more you behave the sooner it'll be."


Much to Leo's surprise, Nick began attaching cuffs to his wrists, which were connected to bulky chain links. Nick took the ends of the chains and hook them onto some mental hoops that were drilled into the desk. Leo had never noticed them before and almost wanted to applaud how subtle they were. The chains weren't too long and would probably allow Leo to go only three feet away from the desk.

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