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He didn't know how or when their lips touched, but all Leo knew was that he enjoyed it. The fire, the warmth, his lips, the way his heart hammered like an army of butterfly wings in his chest- he loved it, loved the way he felt when Nick touched or kissed him. He could still recall their first kiss, which wasn't too long ago. Nick had kissed him to shut him up, and now Leo was kissing him to shut him up, but also because he wanted to kiss him but didn't want to admit it.

Leo dropped the damp paper towel that he was using to wipe the blood away from Nick's temple and melted into the kiss. He pressed his body against Nick's and found his fingers going straight for his hair. This surprised Nick but he welcomed it, as he didn't know when such an occurrence would arise again where Leo would be so enthusiastic. Before he could part his mouth, Nick painfully ripped himself away from Leo and grabbed his sleeve to pull him towards one of the stalls. He hastily and clumsily locked the stall door before turning on Leo again and pinning him against the door with his hands above his head.

"You're allowed to say no, you know," Nick told him before he dipped his mouth into the crane of the shorter one's neck to place light kisses there.

Leo wanted to say no, but not because it didn't feel good, but because he knew that this kiss and all this physical contact was only going to bring the two of them closer, and he didn't want that. A part of him wanted to be loved and taken care of, but he knew that it would make him weak. He considered himself awful in controlling himself, and this moment was an example.

"I don't want to say no," Leo whispered. He almost wanted to slap himself for saying that.

"Good. I didn't want you to." With that, Nick's hands lifted Leo's hoodie to gain access to the soft skin of his waist. He squeezed the skin that seemed to burn under his fingers and pressed his mouth to Leo's once again. With minimal protest, Nick coaxed Leo's lips into parting. Nick's tongue easily dominated Leo's without much effort and soon he was making the teen weak to his knees. Nick's free hand slipped to the nape of Leo's neck and brought the two closer until they were pressed against one another once again.

"Hmm," Leo groaned.

Kissing one's mate was like heaven on earth: it was calming, relieving, and very euphoric. Leo couldn't even remember his stresses of life, or that he wasn't supposed to be doing this with Nick. All he knew was that he was trapped in paradise and never wanted to leave. Nick felt the same way. Seeing his omega submissive made him feel a strong sense of pride, lust, and fire. He wanted to take a photo of the moment and forever imprint it in his mind. To prevent himself from completely losing his mind, Nick parted from Leo and dove for his neck to attack him with kisses. He inhaled deeply and let out a sigh.

"You smell amazing," he said and shortly began to nip and lick at his skin. Leo flinched and struggled against Nick's hold on him. Leo hated that Nick decided to give him jeans to wear because the tent in his crotch was growing unbelievably tight and painful...

Nick noticed his jeans and smiled against Leo's skin. "Your body is very honest."

"It's a natural reaction," Leo argued, out of breath and panting from the heated kiss.

"There's nothing wrong with feeling good, mon beau," Nick told him. "I like seeing you like this."

He dragged his nose up against Leo's jawline and took a giant whiff once more and sighed. The urge to bite the soft skin of his neck was overpowering, but he knew that Leo wouldn't be too happy if he were to mark him now: the time and place were inappropriate.

"S-Stop," Leo stammered and pressed a hand to Nick's chest to push him away. Nick easily pushed against him. "We should stop."

"I just want to be close," he told him. "What happened to 'I don't kiss strangers?'"

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