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The men who've captured Leo were not gentle as they pushed and shoved him into the backseat of a black truck, where he sat in the middle between two more men. He noticed that they all looked similar and shared the same French accent, which he assumed meant that they came to Japan for the sole purpose of serving Nick. He had his eyes blindfolded forcefully before the truck had its engine revved up. Leo didn't try to put up a fight this time. In his experience, fighting back when there was no sign of escape would only make this harder for him, and he was already in a bad spot considering he tried to escape his alpha. He was going to get so much trouble for this, but it made it a lot easier knowing that he was definitely going to be punished. Fear of the unknown was often troublesome for him. 

The car ride was a lot longer than the ride to the bookstore, meaning that he was being taken to an area of higher importance and possibly even more hidden. His stomach felt hollow but filled with anxiety. There was no way he was going to be able to escape a second time, not when he was being taken to an unknown area. He was born in Japan but didn't get many chances to explore a lot of it. The farthest he's travelled to was Enoshima, which was less than two hours away from Tokyo. The only way he'd somehow be able to make it back home was if he managed to get a hold of his laptop, which he doubted would happen. 

"The young master will not be very pleased," the man driving said. 

"Hmph. Well, I never wanted to please him in the first place. I don't obey him, and I won't start doing so anytime soon," Leo shot back. 

"Better watch your mouth, little boy. You speak as if you're not in trouble. Just wait until you talk in that sort of tone to the young master. He'll make you wish you never ran in the first place." 

"Why did you run away? Any sane person would stay with the young master. He's made a good career for himself, good-looking, and strong. Any omega would immediately bend at his will," the man to his right said. "Why haven't you?" 

"Because I don't want him." 

"Bullshit. All omegas want their alphas. It's nature, and that cannot be changed." 

"You're not wrong. I won't deny that my body needs him, but I as a person does not. I don't want a mate. I'm capable of living life alone and defending myself. He's a complete stranger who forced me to come to his bookstore, why should I obey him? I don't trust him," Leo went on. 

"The young master told us that you were almost raped the other night when your pheromones attracted another alpha," the driver said. 

"Yes, but I beat him up." 

"He was scared off because of the young master, not you. If it wasn't for the young master, who knows what would've happened to you?" 

"You all can say whatever the hell you want for I care, but it won't change my mind. I don't care who your master is, but I will never bow down and submit. You can tell me how great he supposedly is, but I'd rather eat a rotting pig carcass." 

The French men didn't reply, and it remained silent for the rest of the ride. The conversation may have ended but Leo knew it wasn't the end of the pestering. For now, he finally allowed sleep to consume him. The exhaustion from running around all morning and day really drained him of energy. 


By the time he woke up, the truck came to a stop. It was colder inside than it was before and he could no longer sense the presence of the to men who were sitting on either side of him. There's a light tap on the window and he able to hear some muffled talking coming from outside. He'd be able to understand what they were saying if they weren't speaking French. 

"Il a une grande bouche, ce garcon." 

"Ne parlez pas mal de lui, le jeune maître est proche." 

As if on cue, the door to his left swung open with a woosh and a pair of arms guided him out the door before removing his blindfold. 

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