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"Why haven't you killed him yet?" Nick's father asked the second the young man walked into the basement. "That's very out of character of you."

"I have my reasons, papa. you know I wouldn't hesitate unless I have a good reason. I wouldn't have brought him back here for no good reason either." Nick replied as he sat down from across his father.

Inside the bookstore unknown to all except those in the Red Koi gang was a small setup area where the members would be gathered if deemed necessary by Nick's father. It was a casual meeting area with couches, a mini fridge, and even a few arcade games and a pool table.

"And what would that reason be?"  his father demanded, almost impatiently.

Nick swallowed and blinked a few times as he rubbed the nape of his neck.

"You're hesitating. Something is definitely wrong."

"He's my mate, papa," Nick exclaimed. 

He swallowed again and realized that he had angrily pounded a fist onto the small lamp table beside him. Nick released a sigh he had been holding in before looking at his father again. 

"That doesn't change anything. You know well that he's a threat to the gang," his father said without any trance of remorse. 

"Wrong. It changes many things. I wouldn't be able to handle it. Remember what happened when Michael's mate passed away? I can still remember the way his neck was bent when we found him in his home. Naturally we need our mates, papa. It's our fate," Nick tried to explain. 

"Yesterday you kept going on about how you were going to execute this brat in the most brutal way possible once you find him and now you're suddenly in love? Oh how I wish we weren't doomed to being alphas and omegas. You wouldn't be behaving this way if he weren't your mate." 

"Papa, please," Nick began, tightening his grip on the armchair he was sitting on. "He's my responsibility now. I will make sure he doesn't try to interfere with our affairs any further." 

"Absolutely not. You will kill him and that is final. I know you. I know that you're smart and you will try to find a way around this-" 

"He is my mate," he snarled. "You will not tell me what to do concerning my mate. He is mine. Mine. Therefore he will be under my care, protection, and watch." 

Silence passed through the both of them. His father was stunned that his own son raised his voice at him because it was a rare occurrence to him. His son, although deadly, was respectful towards his elders. The only moments he dared to raise his voice were moments when he wasn't going to get what he wanted. 

"Even if you say that, there's no way this will last. Doesn't he know who you are already?" 

"I told him that I am a book store owner named Nick pine. Lying is among my many talents, you know that." 

"I'm warning you now, this will not end well. If this brat tries to pull anything, he is dead."

"You once mentioned mama was just a commoner. Your parents didn't want her normal life to be tainted by yours, but when you discovered she was your mate, you couldn't stay away." She wasn't rich like you. Her social status was low, but you wanted to be with her anyway. If my mate is Seven, so be it."

"My case is different than yours. Your mate has caused us many problems," his father went on.

"You're being unfair, papa."

"And you're bing delusional. I won't change my mind about this matter: I will allow you to keep him, but if he makes one false room, he's dead. I will not argue any farther."

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