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To many it would seem that Leo was rejecting Nick, but he thought reject was too harsh of a word to use. It wasn't that Leo couldn't accept the fact that Nick was his fated partner, but that he couldn't accept that he even had one in the first place. Many people live their lives without meeting their fated pair, and he had thought he'd be one of them. He didn't deny that he liked the way he felt around his alpha, or that he thought he was good-looking because these are simple truths written in stone. Leo could admit that he had done pretty bad things in his life so far, but never would he ever formally reject his alpha. He understood the pain the two parties would go through and didn't even want to imagine what it feel like both physically and emotionally. He craved to be in his presence. He yearned to be touched by him. He loved that he was kissed by him. He just didn't want to feel this way because he knew this was dangerous. This couldn't happen to him. Not after what happened with his sister.

After being lost in his thoughts and battling sleep for the next hour, Leo was ready to leave. He knew that the possible of escape wasn't a guarantee and expected the windows to be locked. When the windows easily slid to the side, he was pleased but surprised.

It was almost six in the morning at this point. The chilly air blew into his face when he popped his head out and wormed the rest of his body out of the window. It was a difficult task considering the window was situated right where his head would be if he stood up, and also because the chair he was using to stand on was horribly old and unstable. With the thought of buying fresh packs of ramen as motivation, he finally managed to pull his entire body out. He didn't take a moment to pause or to catch his breath. He ran. He ran as fast as he feet could carry him.

Although the bookstore appeared to be in the middle of an isolated forest, he was still able to hear the faint blare of car horns nearby. He followed the sound and soon found himself on the sidewalk where students were already making their way to school. He didn't slow down and had to repeat small muttered apologies whenever he accidentally bumped into someone. He had always been afraid of being seen as an individual with ill manners, but it didn't matter right then. He was trying to run away before Nick could find him, and that was the only objective that mattered.

Beads of sweat rolled down the side of his face and his back as he pushed harder and harder. He hoped Nick wasn't a morning person. If he wasn't, it would buy him some time.

Anxiety and fear pulsed through his entire body. He started thinking about what he had to do when he got him. He would have to speak to some of the companies he had tasks for and some important items like toiletries and his laptop before he could run off to somewhere much more safer where Nick wouldn't be able to find him. He began to ponder if he would have enough time. With one final push, he began to sprint to the nearest train station.

Public transportation was never a winner in his mind. He detested it with a passion. All the breathing and coughing and sweating being passed through the air in a cramped space was one of his biggest pet peeves, but he was desperate.

He ran down the stairs to the line back to Harajuku after quickly purchasing a ticket and stood next to the door for when he had to run again. There were at least three stops, but he knew that the train would be much more faster than the taxi. He drummed his fingers against his thighs anxiously as he thought how Nick would react to finding his room empty.

It was nearing seven and by now all of the business men and students were taking their morning commute to wherever they had to go for the day. The train station was packed as Leo struggled to reach the next line. Everyone stared as he zipped around any sort of barrier and gasped for air like a fish out of water. It was getting warmer and he couldn't remember the last time he had this much exercise.

His heart was practically jumping with anxiety and was fueling his entire system. Nick seemed like a kind enough person so he wasn't afraid that he would do anything, not that he remembered any sort of warning anyway, but the adrenaline of running away when he was most likely not supposed to was sort of exciting.

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