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Nick's eyes widened and his eyebrows raised.


"You've been so kind to me lately, mon beau," Nick said as his eyes softened.

"You asked me to give you a chance, and it won't kill me do it, so there you go," Leo explained.

Leo hates not going his way, but knew that struggling was just gonna make it harder for him.

"Okay, I'll stay with you tonight, but don't try to kill me in my sleep," Nick joked.

"No promises."


After dressing down in a t-shirt and some shorts, Leo was going to get himself in bed but stopped when he saw Nick had already gone in first, shirtless. He couldn't stop his lips from falling half-open, nor could he stop staring.
The man was more muscular than Leo thought he'd be, and he had no idea he was hiding all that muscle under his suits. He could see how broad his shoulders were, and how defined his chest was. Leo could feel himself secretly thanking that he was paired with someone so beautiful for a mate.

"Get in here," Nick commanded.

After closing his mouth, Leo slipped under the sheets awkwardly.

"You were so brave this morning kissing me but now you're acting shy?" Nick joked. Leo could feel his deep laugh rumble against him.

"Why are you naked?"

"I'm not naked, I'm wearing pants," Nick said. "Unless you want me naked."

Nick mentioning being naked reminded Leo of sex, which reminded him of how he hasn't been marked yet. Nick seemed like like the type to always get his way, and after all the abducting and recapturing, Leo was surprised Nick didn't even make an attempt to do so. Leo thought that it could be that Nick was thinking about his father's words- how he wasn't fit to be Nick's mate. Leo wasn't going to bring it up, he already spilled so much about himself and didn't want himself to get too vulnerable, especially after he allowed himself to indulge in his alpha the last couple of days. He was getting weak, but he trusted in his gut that this was all just a reaction to the pheromones from being so close to his alpha. It was just instinct and lust.

"What are you thinking about?" Nick asked, which echoed the question he asked Leo the other night.

"You," Leo said without thinking about it.

"What about me?" Nick propped himself up on his elbow, revealing his rippling muscle. Leo had to look away.

"I'm confused." At this point, Leo was speaking his kind with absolutely no filter. He didn't really care anymore. No matter what he said to Nick, he was never going to return to his shit apartment even if it meant freedom. He sought the feeling of being vulnerable, needed it even. After years of being alone and having the burden of carrying the memories of his dead family, he just wanted to feel safe, and Nick provided it. His alpha was his safe house.

"Why?" Nick's voice was low, almost a murmur.

"I think I like you," Leo blurted out. He couldn't deny it. The amount of attraction and want he felt towards Nick was indescribable and couldn't be measured, but he felt that he was betraying himself somehow, damaging his pride.

Nick was silent, and leaned dipped his head to get closer to Leo. The blind tussles of hair was tickling Leo's nose. He wanted to feel the heat and kiss him again, like the kiss they shared that morning, but he held himself back. He needed to get his thoughts out.

"I like you even though you took me away from my home and everything I know." Leo swallowed. "But you saved me, and I don't know if I like you because you saved me or because it's the pheromones. And I want to like you because you gave me a better home, feed me, and love me even though I sometimes want to kick your ass, but another part of me wants to deny all of this because I do feel that if you weren't my mate, you wouldn't love me, you wouldn't-"

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