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Nick was the spitting image of his father, the only difference being that Nick had a much more gentle atmosphere to him. Although he was intimidating and exuded so much power, Nick had a glint of compassion in his tired eyes, while his father's were cold and almost soulless. White and grey streaks peppered the golden locks of his head, and a jagged scar ran across his face from his cheekbone to his jaw. He dressed a little more formally than Nick did. A chain dangled to his belt from his pocket, and the buttons of his luxury jacket were glistening with a shine that Leo knew only rich people could afford.

Leo had been guided to the living room by Nick and sat down by his side. Nick's father had his eyes focused on Leo this whole time, which didn't make his anxiety decrease at all. He wasn't sure whether he could meet his eyes or look away, but it was a lot more comfortable avoiding them if he could. Instead, he settled for stealing a few glances here and there so that he wouldn't appear rude.

"Father, how kind of you to pay us a visit today," Nick said and stepped towards his father for a quick embrace. "Please take a seat, we have much to discuss today. I'll have Adeline serve some tea and maybe even a snack if you're hungry."

"Just tea is fine," he replied. "I'd like to avoid excess chatter if we could. Tell me his name."

"My name is Leo Kotori, sir," he spoke before Nick could speak for him.

"How old are you?"

"Nineteen, but I'll be twenty in a few weeks."

"Younger than I thought. You're pretty tall," he said. "How did you guys meet?"

Nick looked over at Leo nervously. Compared to many, their first encounter was the least romantic scenario, but Leo wasn't ashamed or embarrassed about it.

"I came out of a convenience store and was assaulted on my way home because my heat caught me out of nowhere. That was when Nick came along and stopped the guy who attacked me before it could get any worse," he explained.

"You didn't take your suppressants?"

"I've never taken them, sir."

"Why not? Don't you think that's a bit irresponsible to do?" he asked with an eyebrow raised.

Leo nodded awkwardly. "I would take them if I could afford them, sir. I was living alone and my job didn't provide a very stable income. I don't have any health insurance and buying over-the-counter suppressants would be over the budget for me. I could barely afford to buy instant ramen." Leo felt like he said too much, but judging by Mr. Pines' face, it seemed that he didn't mind at all.

"I see. Do you have any family?"

"I had a sister."

"That's it? How about your parents?"

"My dad ran off after my little sister was born, and my mother was murdered. Me and my sister stayed with our aunt but we ran away because she was abusive."

"Where's this little sister of yours now? She must be wondering where you are right now, hmm?"

"She's also dead, sir," Leo answered with a small sigh. "We were never involved in any gang activity, but the mafia murdered her."

"You mentioned you had a job, What did you do for a living?"

Leo hesitated. There was no way he was going to admit that he was an infamous hacker to his alpha's father. Now that would definitely not make a good first impression.

"I worked with computers, it was my own business," he said. Technically he wasn't lying.

"Working with computers is a respectable job, but you just told me you didn't have a stable income at all. What a shame."

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