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*Italicized font represents dialogue being spoken in Japanese.  

Despite how terrible business was when he was running orders for larger corporations as the infamous hacker Seven, Leo was never the type to stray away from work, even if that work came from the same bastard he so desperately wanted to hate.

Leo's fingertips spent more time drumming against the lavish desk than brushing against the keyboard. He did not see the point in playing surveillance boy for a book company's website. Nick's explanation was valid, that his grandfather's haters would make an attempt to come after him, but hacking into such a mundane website would not be the end of the world. Doing so would just be a waste of time, he thought, because there would be nothing to get out of it except frustration.

After about an hour of mindless watching, Leo wanted some action. He ducked one hand into one of the many pockets of his pants and retrieved a flash drive containing one of his many tools, an application that would allow him to find deeply buried information about anyone with just one name search.

After carefully listening for any incoming footsteps from outside the office. Nick had gone out to visit one of the publishers he worked with, and he instructed his guards not to disturb Leo as long as he didn't make an attempt in escape, which would probably end up in failure anyway. With a determined inhale, he plugged the flash drive into the PC and began the downloading process. The irritating ticking sound of the wall clock seemed to puncture into his brain as he watched the download bar slowly turn blue, just minutes away from uncovering any dirty secrets Nick might have.

Leo chuckled to himself quietly as the application successfully downloaded. He found it amusing how despite trying to escape many times, Nick still trusted Leo enough not to taper with the PC, or to put some kind of extra security measure to ensure that malicious applications could not be downloaded. Or, he thought, perhaps Nick was just true to his nature in being blond.

The amusement was short lived though, when Leo eagerly searched his name, nothing came up. This could either mean that Nick was not actually Nick, or maybe he did an awfully good job at covering his tracks. The next best thing would be to find Nick's laptop and search through his files, but the blond had taken it with him. He would need to play the waiting game. Leo leaned back in his seat as he pondered what he could possibly do.

Nick trusted Leo enough not to lock the doors when they went to bed, but the only problem would be the fact that Nick loved to hold Leo in his sleeping, grasping onto his waist as if he were the only thing grounding him in this rough life, but Leo was not an idiot. He was Seven after all.

A few more hours trickled by before Leo could hear the familiar sound of Nick's footsteps approaching the office door. Leo straightened up and began to tap nonsense on the keyboard, feigning being busy. 

"Hard as work, are we?" Nick called out before closing the door behind him. 

"Perhaps more work than you've done today," Leo said sarcastically. 

The blond sauntered over to where Leo was seated, placing a hand on his shoulders before wrapping his fingers firmly around the back of his neck. It wasn't that Nick did not enjoy a joke or two, but because he knew that Leo was still trying to push his buttons out of spite. If his touch did not have the intention of pleasure, it was to command silently. 

"Then what have you been up to, mon ange?" 

Leo's fingers ceased all movement before he angled himself to get a good look at Nick. Years of betrayal planted a heavy seed of mistrust in Leo, and of course, it didn't help that the man kidnapped him. He wasn't sure whether Nick knew he was up to something, or purely asking an innocent question. Then again, there was nothing Nick had done so far to provoke such feelings in Leo. Other than taking him away from his home and being a pervert, the man showered Leo in nice clothes, gave him a place to live, and he even gained a few pounds from how well he was being fed. Still, a feral dog was still going to have some wild left in him no matter what collar he wore. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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