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I was going to be cruel and leave you guys there but I'm too nice for that !!


Third pov  (Ayla's side (Explanation, this is when they both find out they are Kings and Queens))

Ayla found out that Quinn is her only Angel unlike Luciano where he has multiple. She has one and that one is anger, Quinn usually combines with Ayla to fight if they were ever in battle. The recent war was actually just Ayla and her power alone and had nothing to do with Quinn, she can only imagine how strong she is with Quinn. 

Quinn is very easy to tick off, she easily gets mad at anything. The way you can tell if Quinn takes over is Ayla's eyes turn fully white and Quinn curses.... like crazy. Her and Ayla are opposites but are the same it's odd.

For the past year Ayla and Luciano visit each other she goes down sometimes and he goes up. She's surprised the other Angels and Gods/Goddesses don't care, they've already had you know what which means they are officially mates and nothing could separate them. Luciano even talked about proposing and children. They had their whole future planned out and they were happy.

"Apollo!" Ayla groans, Apollo promised after he finished some paperwork he'd take her down to Hell to see Luciano.

"Calm down, fuckin-"


"Fricking hell, can you just be quiet." She feels Quinn trying to take over

"You made her mad."

"Nuggets, Q I'm sorry I'm just really stressed. One more word and I'm done, you get to see your lover." Ayla unconsciously smirks "Oh so you're smirking now."

"It wasn't me! Q did it, it's her fault!"

"Better quite down, she can hurt you." Ayla rolls her eyes and just waits "Ok I'm done, come one."

"Yippy!!" Can't wait to see hunky Quinn says, Ayla just rolls her eyes. 


They reach Hell and Ayla skips her way to his office leaving Apollo standing in front of the building he hates this place and this is the farthest he'll ever go. Being his lover and mate she doesn't knock. She burst the door open and sees Luciano's assistant devil Aubrey straddling him and kissing down his neck. He's not even protesting or anything, she can't control Quinn but she has to try.

"WHAT IN THE FLOWERS IS GOING ON!" She roars, trying her best to keep Quinn in it's hurting. Luciano pushes Aubrey off and runs towards her trying to calm her down not wanting Quinn to show up. It was too late. Quinn had full control, she rose up standing straighter making her taller. Sure Luciano might be 7'5 but she was frightening. 

"Q-Quinn... give Ayla back." 

"I will give you a minute to explain and that's being generous." She sits down on the floor waiting for him to explain.

"She-she just jumped on me. You came in and I was about to shove her off."

"Lies." Quinn growls "I hate liars." She stands up and Luciano eyes widen in fear

"No I-" Quinn shoves him against the wall leaving a massive dent, she used telekinesis to keep him there so he couldn't move. She takes long threating strides towards Aubrey, grabs her by the hair and drags her. She screams over and over.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU SLUTTY CUNT!" language Ayla whispers

"L-let go-go of he-her." Quinn's head snaps towards Luciano, she throws Aubrey to the wall and Replicate her body so that the clone can beat her up as she walks towards Luciano. Pretty cool tricks huh? Well Ayla has been practicing her powers to the fullest.

"And you're defending that pig for what reason?" Soon the power holding him down moves from his body to his neck making him choke. 

"I-I-S-she's.. m-mate." Quinn freezes, she drop him to the floor and climbs on top of him grabbing his hair to force him to look at her.

"What." Ayla whispers taking over and the clone returning to her body.

"She's my mate." He whispers back looking straight into her eyes, he was telling the truth but there was more to it that she didn't know and she knew he wouldn't tell her. She sobs into her chest, he wraps his arms around her comforting her.

"Was all the 'I love you' a lie? Was my virginity not enough? Am I not enough?" She sobs

"No, I love you but it's just... complicated." He kisses her forehead and he himself can't deny the sparks he feels

"Then tell me, make it less complicated."

"I can't, I won't, I-I refuse." The moment he says that Quinn takes over.

Instead of sobbing she laughs "Ayla?" Luciano says "I still love you, it just... are you-"

Quinn takes her head out of his chest laughing while crying and uses a creation spell to make a dagger form in her hand and she stabs his chest still crying and laughing. Then her face goes stone cold and her body glows and hair floats up.

"If you ever step foot in Heaven, I will not hesitate to fucking kill you. You used me, us, her and you 'refuse' to tell us. You never cared for us, might as well search for a mate now right?" She gets up from his lap "I hate you." 

She teleports to the front door and see's Apollo staring at her with wide eyes, he hasn't see that glow since the war. Soon the glowing stops and she collapse to her knees sobbing he quickly catches her and runs his hands down her head cooing her. "Everything is going to be ok, you have me remember?"

And that's what she did, remember. Remember how he was always there and how he always will be. 

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