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Had to make Quinn a bad bitch... ah I fangirl over her and I made her. Anyways ENJOY.

Ayla pov (Present)

"Your majesty, someone has breached the gate." One of my woman guards said because who said women aren't strong!! 

"Does Apollo know of this?"

"No not yet, would you like me to tell him?"

"Oh no, just wondering. I'm sure it's nothing I can't handle." I smile at her, she bows and leaves. I let out a sigh and change my house gown to an outside gown. I walk towards the gate and see's someone who I haven't seen in a good two years.

"Oh hello... Aubrey." I say smirking and attitude with Quinn's help.

"You. You're the reason he doesn't love me, you need to die." I simply raise my eyebrow at her as she draw a sword. I feel Quinn leave my body, Quinn looks exactly like me but the only difference is that she has defined curves in every place. She had big bitties :(

"You think you can defeat us with that." Quinn sneers

"YOU! You're the reason my nose is crooked! He reminds me of it everyday you bitch!" She charges straight for Quinn, Quinn simply chops off her head and he body falls to the ground. 

"I want to put this on my shelf." 

"No thank you, it will rot and make our room smell, now return. I need to do something with this body." 

"Fine." She walks into me and the blood that covered her body is now covering mine and now I'm carrying the head making it look like I did it. I tap her body and it starts to float, it follows me as I fly down to the one place I thought I'd never return.

Luciano pov 

I sent my pants to the dry cleaners, since their dry clean only (  I thank @Ana_Robins for that quick idea !! ) I decide to take a steamy shower feeling as if she infected me with some type of STD, once I finished I only put on sweatpants since it's my house and I finished work.

I just lay on my bed not having anything to do, if she was here she'd keep me busy like she'd always do

Flash back same pov

After I finish my usual hot steamy shower but this time cold because my Angel thought it was cut to rub up on me and leaving a trail of hickeys on my neck since I kept saying no which I obviously ended up saying yes to. Once I got out I wrap around my waist, I shake my head side to side shaking off the dripping water in my hair.

I put on sweatpants and plopped on my bed starfish style, I love this bed it's so comfy I close my eyes and just relax. I start to hear small feel paddle it's way closer to me.

"Luciano." I hear Ayla whisper, I decided to fake sleep. "Luci." She pokes my arm "Luci." my stomach "Luci." my neck "Luci." my cheek "Luci." my forehead "Luciano." my dick. My eyes snap open ands stare at the little angel who's face I can barely see since the bed is so tall.

"You did not."

"Well you wouldn't answer now would you!" She put her hands on her hips and let out a huff

"I thought I'd be funny! No need to assault me."

"I didn't assault you! Blame Quinn she did it!"

"No she didn't your eyes are still blue." Her pale face turns red

"Sh-she... uh... to-told me-me to." I chuckle at her cuteness and lift her up by her armpits and place her next to me. She leans her head against my arm as I wrap it around her waist, she looks at me with her innocent eyes.

"It's ok if you wanted to." I kiss her forehead "I'm all yours, touch me whenever. Especially there." I wink at her, she smacks my chest turning bright red. I can tell she's trying not to smile. "Hey hey, just a joke no need to become abusive!"

"I love you." She says out of nowhere 

"I love you too, forever."

"Promise?" She holds out her pinky, I hook mine to hers.

"Promise." We kiss our thumbs to seal it.

End of Flashback (FOREVER MY ASS U BITCH BOY!!!)

I let out a sigh as I recall the memories, the door opened and revealed one of my guards. "Oh did I catch you at a bad timing?"

"No, why would you think that?"

"You're smiling as if your worst enemy was just murdered or a child opening their birthday presents." Fuck, his face goes cold and the guard tenses up "Someone is at the gate, they aren't coming in but they are only requesting for you."

"Do you know who?"

"Uh no, we haven't gotten a clear read just yet." I nod and teleport to the gate, I don't even bother to change my clothes. I have my wings fully spread out as I walk barefoot on the hot charcoal ground. That's when I see something bright, something beautiful and pure.

It's her... hold a head.

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