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Third person

"Someone just went through the portal." Lennox says stopping

"Who?" Luciano ask

"I don't know I can only feel it, does anyone remember what the cliff looked like exactly?" See to teleport to somewhere you have to know the place from inside and out, if you don't then the teleports are useless. 

"Yeah I memorized it." Landon says scratching the back of his head

"Really?" Lester says with a raised brow

"Yeah and if I get something wrong we'd still be near it." 

"I'm coming with you." Lester puts a hand on his shoulder

"We'll be waiting." Lyric says plopping on the ground and they disappear

Landon, Lester an Quinn location

The arrive on rocky ground, they start to look around for the portal since Landon didn't put them right in front of it. They found it and saw a familiar body shape, they turn and face them but unexpectedly punches Landon and was about to kick Lester but stopped. 

"I could've killed you!" Quinn says 

"What the fuck!" Landon says standing up holding his cheek "Who the fuck are you?!"

"Who am I? Who are you? You fucking fuck face! Hasn't anyone told you to not sneak up on a girl like that when their alone?" Lester places his hands on their shoulders but the don't stop there

"Did you just call me a fuck face? What are you a second grader?"

"A second grader? That's the best come back you could think of? You immature fuck-"

"Oh I'm immature? You called me a 'fuckface'-"

"That's your only line of defense you idiot! You snuck up on me-"

"What the fuck are you even doing here? Look for some dick you slut?"

"SLUT!!! YOU WANT TO KNOW WHO'S A SLUT-" Lester teleports them back to where everyone else is but the two are too focused on their argument they didn't notice "-AUBREY'S A FUCKING SLUT HER SLIMY AS PUSSY THAT I BET YOU FUCKED YOU PROBABLY HAVE FUCKING STDS YOU MOTHER FUCKER GOOD LUCK GETTING RID OF THOSE!!! YOU FUCK TARD YOU MOTHER FUCKING USLESS PIECE OF SHIT!!!! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!!!" She yells back, she catches her breath and was about to continue until Luciano interrupts

"Quinn?" Luciano says, her head snaps to him. Only then did she realize she was surrounded but hot men "What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here? What are you doing here?" She spits back

"You argue too much." Landon scoffs

"You argue too little!" She snaps right back

"Quinn, I won't ask again." 

"I'm here for you dumbass, I here to talk about her we need your help." 

"Who's 'her' and who are you?" Lyric ask pointing at her, Quinn has really bad memory when it comes to less important things so she doesn't even remember the fact that she's actually met Lester the only thing is the the boys didn't know who she was because Luciano hid her from them. 

Before Quinn could argue Luciano steps in "She's talking about Ayla-"

"And what does she want with her?" Lennox says taking a threatening step towards Quinn which she happily copies they are face to face in a glaring match. 

"She's.... she's uh... -"

"I'm her fucking Angel got a problem with that?" She snaps, their eyes widen and Lennox takes a step back.

"Impossible." Lennox says

"She curses too much!" Lester says

"Her attitude is terrible." Landon says

"Her boobs and ass are took big plus her curves... nothing like Ayla." 

"It's true guys, every time she came out I would shut you guys out so you wouldn't meet her. She... uh she has a temper. She's all of you guys in one, her caretaker, her anger, her lust, her business."

"Oh shit! You guys are his demons... fuck. So you must be Landon." She says turning to the boy she was just arguing with

"The one and only." He smirks making her heart thump

"You're Lyric you commented on her body, you're Lester... her favorite and you must be Lennox." They all nod "Interesting, welp. I came here to tell you that, Zeus, Eve, Mother and Ares are dead!" For some odd reason she couldn't remember who else died, it was just at the tip of her tongue but she just couldn't get it out, it was as if she was forced into silence. 

"Fuck!" Luciano says punching Lyric full force in the stomach, it doesn't affect Lyric because you can't hurt your own demons, it's a rule. "We have to find that dagger now."

"Oh yay! Adventure time!!!" Quinn says happily, she then notices her hair is normal blonde and she's shorter. She's 5'6 now instead of 5'10, her wings were gone and anything that screamed 'Angel' was gone, she looked like a human.... again. 

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