(35) Alternate universe

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I don't want to be hunted down and killed... so I've decided to make and UNTERNAL UNIVERSE!!! so uh.... this is to make up for the unhappy ending :).... MANGO OUT


Luciano pov

"Ok... shut up... Lyric you're too loud." 

"Shut up!"

"Lyric I swear to god I'll break you hand, shut up!" I groan at the sounds and move over to hug my love but when I do I feel her extra squishy and soft. I furrow my eyebrows and squish it very hard...

"Thank fuck that pillow isn't you eh?" My eyes snap open and look around my room

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" They yelled in unison throwing confetti and balloons everywhere, I smile and sit up from my bed. Lyric with Aaron, Landon with Quinn around his arm, Lester, Lennox and Ayla all staring at me sheepishly.

"What fucking time is it?" I groan looking at them more intensely. 

"It's early, we still have school today and you are going do you understand?" Ayla says holding a cake in her hand

"Yes ma'am." I nod

"Dude! You're soo whipped." Lyric jokes

"Don't tease him!" Aaron says slapping his chest (I hope you guys remember who Aaron is, if you don't it's the guy that died in Lyric's past.) Ayla walks over carefully not wanting to drop the cake, she sits at the edge of the bed right next to me.

"Make a wish." She whispers

I wish to live happily ever after with all of my family and get married to this lovely woman in front of me and start my own family with mini us running around. 

I blow the candles out and give her a smile that she happily returns, she places the cake on the counter and stands up to slap my chest. I groan and fall back "GET DRESSED! IT'S A SCHOOL DAY!" 

"Fine fine... everybody get out but you." I say looking at Ayla

"Bye bye lovebirds, don't do anything too crazy because we will hear." Landon says smirking and sending us a wink before they all left closing the door behind them.

"Baby." I groan doing grabbing hands to her, she rolls her eyes but straddles me.

"You ok?" She ask cupping my face, I just not nuzzling my head in her neck taking in her scent. "Babes you need to get ready or else you'll be late, I hate you being late." 

"I'm the star quarterback, they don't give a shit." I mumble in her neck

"Yeah but I do and I have volleyball this morning, come one and get out of bed for me.... or else." She challenges, I remove my head from her neck and raise and eyebrow "No kisses." She crosses her arms over her chest pushing up her boobs more, I let out a groan and get out of bed. She wraps her legs around my waist as we head to the bathroom.


We all walk into school as a group, nothing wrong with it. We're quite close, the boys are like my brother's and Ayla only recently came into the school. She was shy and didn't talk to anyone but Quinn, her sister Eve in on the cheerleading team and has tried to get with me fore ages but I really don't like her. 

Eve started to date my best bud Ares and they've been going good, I think she might actually like him and her too. Quinn and Landon have started dating, their quite perfect for each other since they have a short temper but they love to push each others buttons. Lyric and Aaron have been dating longer than anyone in the group, Lennox and Lester sadly haven't found their match yet. The good thing is that I get to spend extra time with the boys since their also on the football team.

I'm just happy I have my Ayla, my 5'6 little Ayla. "Move you tree!" Ayla says trying to shove my 6'5 frame, I chuckle and move a little so she can get to her locker. She hates that I'm so much taller than her, she really does. She's asked me several times to break off some of my legs to become shorter. 

"Yo Ayla!" Someone calls from down the hall I turn and groan at the person jogging down the hall, Apollo.

"Oh hey Apollo!" Apollo was Ayla's first boyfriend at the school, he showed her around and became real close with her. But the thing is Apollo is a player and only does things for sexy, so he got close to her for that reason only but for some odd reason she had and affect on him and he never laid a land on her. They dated for a month but realized they were better off as friends... I still hate this guy.

"Hey uh I was wondering if you could come by and help me with Mr. Crawford's work." He says scratching the back of his neck

"Shit bro, Crawford is like the easiest class. Just say you want to get into her pants instead of making yourself look dumb." Ares jokes walking in with Eve in his arm, her quickly bro hugs me and give Ayla a side hug. Ayla and Eve don't even acknowledge each other it's so weird. "Anyways happy birthday dude, see you at lunch." 

"Oh shit it's your birthday!" Apollo says "Happy birthday! I'm gonna head to class, I'll find someone else to help me." 

I turn over still leaning against the lockers to face Ayla "Alone at last." I sigh out as I stroke her cheek "Don't you think it's weird how so many people are names after like... God shit. Like Ares... Apollo.... Eve..... my dad Lucifer.... my grandpa Satan.... Like what? Who names their child Satan? And your mom, Nemesis. It's so weird." She shrugs closing her locker

"Don't know and stop calling him Satan, he goes by Pete. He is a nice grandpa!" She says walking to the gym

"He doesn't like you, he only like that you keep me in place other than that he thinks love is weak." 

"Hmm whatever, I hope you like the cake. Char stayed up all night making it just right for you." She smiles, i roll my eyes.

"I get she's my new mom and shit but she tries so hard."

"She tries hard because you never show her any type of liking to her, be nice to her she means well." I smile at her and pull her in my the waist "I have volleyball." She whispers looking at my lips 

"Volleyball can wait, it's my birthday isn't it? I'm dying to know what present you got me." I smirk leading us into an unused classroom and locking the door, fuck I love this women.


I'M ONLY PUTTING A QUESTION MARK BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO DIEEEEEEEEEE but this is the last of the last there will be no more books nor more anything.... maybe a few extra chapters but the book is officially DONE! MANGO.... *sniff*.... OUT! 

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