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I hope you are all ready to shed some tears :) Sorry not sorry heres some da music to go with it.... MANGO OUT!!!!


"Don't get too cocky, you may be in my body but that doesn't mean shit." I snap back, yup I've been cursing  ever since I said my first curse to him. I only use it when I'm pissed off other than that never.

"LANGUAGE!!" I hear Lyric yell

"You don't deserve to take the roll of God, no one can!" Satan yells charging at my full speed, I stay in one place getting ready. He throws a punch sending me across the room but it didn't hurt, thanks to him I have a low pain tolerance. I quickly jump back to my feet and turn invisible running full charge, hitting him with punches and picks constantly from different angles. 

He some how predicted my next move and punched me in my chest, I fly back but quickly find my ground. "Scythe." I cough out, my scythe appears in my hand and a sword appears in his. I run managing to cut his calf causing him to fall a little, I slice his face, I try going in but he blocks it we are now in the ex position. 

(this is what I mean if you guys don't understand)

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(this is what I mean if you guys don't understand)

I push my scythe down forcing him to fall to his knees Quinn babe I need you to wake up... I say in my mind

I'm here what do you need?

Is  it possible for you to still leave my body?

I can try

Ok this is what I need you to do- I start to feel her leave my body, I press down harder. I feel a sharp stab in my stomach. 

"Little daggers won't affect me you asshole!" I create a dagger in my hand and stab it in his shoulder, I'm trying to stall waiting for Quinn. I see her and simply nod my head, that's when I feel a sharp painful peng go through my heart.

 I hold my emotionless expression, while his is confused and in pain. "NOOO!!" I hear the boys yell 

"By.. By Ear-Earth an-and Air..., By-By Fire and W-Water.., So sh-shall you hear- hear my cal-call. Powers of bir-birth and re-birth... power-powers of silence an-and peace.. h-heal-heal the ones I've hurt... bo-body and min-mind." I cough out "I-I- Ayla.... Quee-queen of Heaven... make this-this scythe... the-the onl-only weapon.. to kill Sat-Satan... the-the devil him-self..." 

"YOU BITCH-I-I'LL COME BACK!" He yells as he disintegrate into ashes, I try to pull the scythe out but a hand is placed on mine, it's warm and comfortable. I fall into it's arms.

"Yo-you did great baby... we're all so so proud of you. You did it, everyone will know you sacrificed your life for all of us to live." I hear Luciano sob, my body wasn't responding, I could barely move... I was... I was dying. "I love you so.... so much."

"I-I-It's.... it's no-not ove-over yet..." I whisper


Quinn babe I need you to wake up... I say

I'm here what do you need? She responds immediately

Is it possible for you to still leave my body?

I can try

Ok this is what I need you to do, I need you to try and leave my body and make my real scythe. This long one and when you do, I need you to stab it through his heart.

B-But Ayla you'd be in the way...

Yes I know but it needs to happen, I don't die... I hope

What do you mean you hope? 

I hope to... survive.

We ALL hope you survi-

Quinn I need you to do it now! There isn't much time!

Flashback end

"W-we... we ca-can li-live a-a normal... life...so-soon." I whisper gasping for air "H-Happ-happy bi-birth-birthday so-sorry I-I coul-couldn't ge-get you-you a pres-pres-"

"Shh shh, don't talk don't talk. It's ok everything is going to be just fine... everything is going to be just fine." He says running his hands through my hair rocking me back and forth, I take my last breathe and everything goes officially dark.

Luciano pov

She remembered I hear her breathing become slower and slower until she takes her last one. I hug her to me not caring if her blood in all smudged on me, I sob and sob. My demons are still in the room just staring in shock not believe this happened, we did all that work to make sure she stayed alive for her to only be selfless and get herself killed.

I keep rocking her back and forth mostly trying to calm me down, I hear familiar voices. "WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER!!" Nemesis... she has no right to call Ayla that after ignoring her for three years only caring for Eve. I start to get angry but I already know Landon is going to go at her throat.

"You shut your mouth!" I hear him yell

"Excuse me?" She snaps back

"You've ignored her for three fucking years! You were so caught up with your precious Eve you forgot your other daughter, just because she was the replacement doesn't mean you replace her AGAIN she was alone and had NO ONE NO FUCKING ONE and we blame ourselves for letter her go, we wish it was us that died and not her! You didn't see her broken eyes you didn't see how she didn't hesitate to fucking kill herself if that meant he was gone!"

I stand up picking her body up with me, I haven't taken my eyes off her. I walk past everyone and lay her in my bed, even when she's sleeping she looks hurt. It might be weird but I don't care, I pull her body close to mine and think of this has a terrible dream..... one big nightmare.....


Simple easy question: Would you hate me... or strongly dislike me is I ended the story here??? 

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