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They make it to the location "What in the fuck!" Landon says "We walked all that way for this?" They were standing in front of a bar, it looked pretty expensive. 

"Only one way to find out." Luciano says opening the door, it was semi-packed. 

"Oh fuck." They turn to see a small female with a very red face, she clears her throat "Ehem, how may I help you today?"

"Um, we'd like to talk to the manager." Luciano says with a smile and the girl practically creamed herself right then and there

"R-right... p-please take a sea-seat the -bar." She gestures her hand, the all take a seat at the bar. The bartender turns around and his eyes land on Quinn.

"Hey sweet cheeks, what can I get you today?" He says with a smirk, the boys automatically look his way glaring at him.

"Um a water would be nice, same for them." She points to the boys but he doesn't turn his head

"Anything for you." He winks at her and start pouring some water "So you from here? I've never seen you before and it's a pretty small town."

"Uh, yeah I left a while ago so I'm just coming back to visit." Quinn says with a tight smile

"Cool cool, things have changed. Want me to show you around?" He says placing a cup in front of her

"I'm sure I'll manage." 

"Give me a call if you have second thoughts." He hands her a napkin with his number on it, he hands the waters to the boys and stops at Landon when he see's a certain tattoo on his finger. "That's an interesting tattoo." The bartender says

"Oh yeah, I got it with my buddy Nick from way back. We were drunk as shit." Landon chuckles at the memories.

"Shit Landon?" The bartender looks up at Landon, recognizing his high school friend "Landon!" He jumps over the bar and pulls him in for a bro hug. 

"What's up buddy?" Landon says with a smile, this was the first time Landon has actually smiled since he became a demon, he may have smile once or twice but that was only because of Ayla. "Long time no see!"

"Dude, all thought you were dead! It was on the news, the Exes broke into your house. Your dad beaten to the pulp and you were just... gone."

"Haha... yeah." Landon scratches the back of his neck "So how are the folks?"

"Oh well, your mother left him and found a new family. I've visited her, she has several photos of you in her new home and makes sure to tell her daughter about you. She looked for you for 2 years until she gave up, she still hoped you were alive and were happy where ever you were. And you pops, her comes here every Saturday and blames himself. He says that if he never cheated you would still be here." Nick says walking back behind the bar.

"Shit, that's cool. Happy for her, he gets what he deserves. We all good." Landon says

"Ah, still the cold hearted Landon that I was bestfriends with." 

"NICK! GET BACK TO WORK!!" Yells a female voice

"Oh shit... uh the fucking devil is here got's to go! Lovely seeing you man!" Nick gives him one last bro hug before disappearing to the other side of the bar

"Uh.. excuse me?" They turn to see the girl from earlier "R-righ-right this way." They follow the girl into a back room "B-Boss-"

"WHAT!" The same female voice from before snapped

"Uh... th-their here." 

"Open the door." The voice says, the tiny girl opens the door and stands to the side letting them walk in, they see a lady sitting in a chair with the back of the chair facing us. She turns around and her eyes widen, she scans the boys intensely and just admires Quinn. "H-hello." She says fixing herself "You called for me?"

"We would like the key." Luciano says, she looks even more shocked "I know you know what we're talking about... we want it now."

"Sorry but I can't give it to you.... are you a.. demon?" She whispers the last part

"They key please."

"I can only give it to an Angel... a high rank one." She says

"I'm and Angel, I'm Gods Angel."

"But you're a girl God is a guy." She states

"Yeah well God is dead... now there as female one. We need the item please." Quinn says getting impatient. 

"Uh... yes I uh. Come follow me, you only." Quinn nods and starts to walk but Luciano grabs her.

"Get your filthy hands off of me." She growls, glaring at him. He lets go and lets her walk on her own following the girl. 

"So what does it feel like to be an Angel?" The lady ask

"Nothing insane." 

"I need you to prick your thumb with this needle, then place your thumb on this book." She takes out a thick book covered in dust handing her a needle. Quinn does as she says, she starts chanting words that she couldn't translate. "Now relive it." She whispers


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