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I decided to do a little extra chapter because I miss writing this story so much, this chapter doesn't affect the story, it doesn't leave you at a cliffhanger it's simply just an extra that you can ignore if you want. 

Third person

Luciano, the king of the underworld was picking flowers from a flower bush. Suddenly something snaps in him and he drops the basket thinking The fuck am I doing? I'm the King of Hell why the fuck am I picking flowers!

He started to walk away from the bush leaving the basket there. Ayla on the other hand was picking out berries and baking supplies for their home and she had a little helper with her too. "Otis what do you think daddy is doing right now? I hope he's still picking out the flowers we need for the cake." Ayla says looking down at her 3 year old son.

He looks exactly like Ayla but also exactly like Luciano, one of his eyes were bright blue and the other was red, he had a baby horn on the side of his blue eye, very pale skin and has sharp canines. He was a perfect mixture of them and the most adorable. "Don't worry mommy! If he doesn't get the flowers I'm beat him up!" Otis says taking a power stance.

"Oh will you now?" Ayla says in a teasing tone picking up her 3 year old, she smiles at him as he explains how he'll beat him up. He suddenly stops and just stares at something in the distance, Ayla follows his gaze to see her the one and only King of the underworld, her husband walking away with no basket of flowers in sight. "Well looks like you got to stretch Otis wouldn't want you pulling a muscle as you beat him up." 

Ayla put Otis on the floor, grabbed his hands and picked up the basket of ingredients and started walking straight towards her husband. 

Luciano continues to wonder around the market not know what to do or where his wife even is. He know he could find her in a second but she's probably busy with Otis somewhere. Suddenly Luciano a little hand pull on his leg, he turns and looks down to see his favorite and only son Otis with an angry face looking up at him. "Otis buddy!" He picks his son up with the biggest smile ever "What's up? Where's you mom-" 

Just as Luciano said that his eyes met his very angry wife "Luciano. Tell me you teleported the basket to the house or your looking for another place to pick more flowers and the basket is invisible and magically floating in the air right now." She was pissed to say the least, she was in her angry mother stance. Her hands on her hips and her foot tapping on the floor. 

Luciano wasn't really listening because Otis was squishing Luciano's cheeks and giggling as he does it, it was a cute father son moment that make Ayla's heart melt. "Listen babes, I'm the King of-"

"King of nothing when it comes to baking a cake, Luciano. Now, go pick your flowers." She points towards the bush he was just at, he let's out a sigh of defeat. "Alright ok." He doesn't put Otis down, he just walks towards his wife as if he was going to the bush.

Then he picked her up throwing her over his shoulder and running away, she kicked and yelled. "Luciano!!! Put me down this second!" She yelled, Otis on the other hand was laughing so hard he was crying. "Luciano!" She looks behind her to see he's heading towards the edge "No Luciano! Use the stairs! The stairs!"

Ignoring his wife he jumps of the edge going straight down to Hell, Ayla holds onto him for dear life screaming bloody murder. He finally lands on the floor right in front of their house and lets Ayla down, she lost feeling in her legs and stumbled a little using Luciano as standing support. "I said use the stairs you idiot." She says as they walk inside

"Again Again!" Otis says happily, the angry Ayla was long gone now. She just smiled at the only two important men in her life. 


Otis ended up opening the bag of flower the wrong way and it got everywhere, Luciano being an amazing father poured flower on himself too. The two boys started chasing the poor Ayla as she screams saying it's a new dress over and over running for her life. 

They ended up catching her, Otis rubbing the flower on her legs and Luciano smothering her with kisses while hugging her. 



Again this chapter wasn't necessary I just thought of it and thought it was a cute little idea so I decided to do it. MANGO OUT!!!!

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