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Hey ya'll sorry for the terrible update thing ik yall are used to me updating like 300 times a day, I've just been in a CRAZY fucking writers block so if you have SUGGETIONS PLEASE COMMENT it would be greatly appreciated... MANGO OUT

Luciano pov

"When you get there, you didn't hear any of this from me." Dad says

"Alright let's go." I say to the boys "And you're released father, I hope to never see you again." I say before walking out.

"I know we want this thing but are you sure it's worth it?" Lyric ask

"Ly, just because you have to wear a shirt doesn't mean you have to back out. Man up dude." Landon says irritated. We go to my room, this time they aren't going to be in me. Their going to stay out and we're going to do it all together. Lyric for the first time in years puts a shirt on.

"Ready to go on a lil adventure?" Lyric says with a thick British accent

"Let's get this show on the road." Lennox does some weird hand moves and then a swirling circle is in front of us.

"It's a portal, I can only do so many." Lennox says, we nod to each other before walking through it.  

Third person pov

As the 5 Demons walk through the portal, they are attacked by the strong wind. They take in their surroundings and it's safe to say that "We're in the middle of fucking no where." Lyric says pointing out the obvious, living in Hell their obviously used to heat so the only cold thing they've ever experienced was like Ice Cream or Water. 

So you could imagine how they reacted as they stand on top of a hill in Fall and you might be thinking 'Fall? Do they even have seasons down in Hell?' No they don't but you know what does, Earth.

Yep! Their in earth, their height shrunk down to 6'5 and their hair and body looked more human like and so did their eyes, they are now a brown color instead of purple, their horns are also gone. If you were to pass them you'd just see them as sexy tall model sculped by God herself

"Oi, calm down will ya? I see a town about... 20 miles from here." Landon says, just because they look human and are in a human realm doesn't mean they don't have their demon powers. "Let's get to walkin" They jump down from the cliff landing kinda frog like, with their weight and strength they put a huge dent in the ground. They dust off their clothes and start walking to their destination. 

Satan pov

I'm bored... who haven't I killed? My mind goes back and then stops at a certain point... when that girl took over she brought Ares back to life. Fuck I hate not being able to finish what I started and I'm sure this time she won't be coming out since she's still mentally recovering from her last punishment, I get dressed in my armor. I flap out my wings and realize that one wing is white while the other is black. Cool.

Ayla pov

I didn't know what to do, I don't even know how to explain where I am. Everything is black and there's only one source of light at that's from where Satan is looking, I have to witness everything thing does and everything he thinks. He is right, I am still recovering. Sure my wounds healed but I can't help be keep rubbing my wrist to double check. 

I haven't been able to find Quinn yet, I was walked around this whole entire place. I need her, the only ok thing about being in here is that he can't hear my thoughts he can only hear me when I talk aloud. I get up from the ground and start to walk around (Ok rhyme!) the floor has water on it, just like it did when I died and my dad visited me. 

"Thinking about me?" I look up, I was about to reply but he puts his finger over his lips telling me to be quite. "I'm not talking aloud as you can see my lips aren't moving-" They aren't "-we can communicate through our minds, so do not make a mistake and accidentally talk aloud."

"Ok. Did you hear that? The 'ok' I don't know if you can hear me, this is weird. I feel like I'm talking to myself oh jeez have you heard everything I've been saying!"

"Oh calm down no, you can only hear what people say in your proximity anyways my child how are you?" 

(I feel like some of you are going to be confused on who she talking to but she's talking to her dad. When her dad died it was while Nemesis- Ayla's mother- was making Ayla. Her dad wanted Nemesis to put him in her because he was one of the most powerful Gods and he didn't want someone else to take it. So she put his power into her and some of his soul. So every time Ayla dies he's there to resurrect her, she goes into a dark room wearing only nude colors and 2 inches on water all around. They chat and they he resurrects her.) 

"I'm fine dad, not really though. I lied, I'm doing terrible. I'm possessed! By Satan!"

"Yes, your friend Quinn has informed me about this already. I know you want to see her but you can't she is practicing how to leave the body since he is possessing it right now, she doesn't want to be seen by him."

"Oh... could you possible tell me how this is going to turn out."

"Let's just hope for the bet-" He clutched his stomach where blood was spilling from, he start to cough up blood and fall to the ground. 

"NO!!!" I yell aloud, running to him. "Papa... papa!" I cry

"You are the light." He chokes out, I hear him take his last few breathes.

"Papa." I sob, I turn and I see a man I've never seen before but I somehow know exactly who it was.

"You were too quite when I killed your sister, mother and Ares again. Thought I'd check up on my little host, how are you today darling?" 

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