Lucas Baker

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Game/Movie: Resident Evil 7
Requested by: No one

I groaned and followed Lucas down the corridor. He was once again terrozing poor Clancy and once again, all of his focus was on the people he was killing and not his fiancee. 

"Come on baby, I can hear him."

I nodded and rolled my eyes. Don't get me wrong, I love Lucas with all of my heart but lately, he's always out doing things in the salt mine and killing/harassing anyone that stept foot on the Baker property. I know he was like this before Evie came her but after he got her 'gift', it became souch worse. Where as I got her 'gift' and reached out toy friemd in The Connections and got an antidote. But Evie doesn't know that, just Lucas and Zoe.

"You're going to use him in your 21 game aren't you?"

Lucas nodded and smirked. "Ya know me so well love."

"Can you take care of him yourself? I can go get Hoffman ready."

He thought about it for a moment before pecking my lips. "That would help me out a lot."


I sat next to my fiancee, staring down at the screen which had Clancy and Hoffman on it. I glancedover at Lucas and my heart skipped a beat. He looked so adorable, that grin. Unfortunately, it was because he was watching fingers get chopped off and them being electrocuted. My smile soon turned into a frown. Why doesn't he look at me like that anymore?

I sighed and stood up. "Have fun baby, I'm going to our room.. I love you."

And just as I predicted, he wasn't listening. As per usual. I rolled my eyes and exited the room, making sure to spam the door on my way out. I smiled when I heard the door oen behind me.

"Hey baby-"

"Not now, gotta go put hooks into him."

He left me there dumbfounded. Why has he been acting this way?

"Fucking asshole." I muttered out.


3 hours have passed and he should of been done by now. But is he? No clue as I'm sitting on our bed alone. Maybe Zoe was right. Before I met Lucas, I met Zoe in school and we became close. To the point where we considered eachother as sisters. When we were 17, she took me to meet her family. I had this feeling towards her brother that I didn't know what it was. And apprently he felt it too. Later on, after a two years of us bickering and being assholes to eachother, we both realized that the feeling was something else. Something that lead us to date. Zoe warned me that Lucas was crazy and that he would end up being an asshole. That I would end up being dragged into hos bullshit. Turning me from innocent and sweet to a sarcastic psychopath. But did I listen? No. I didn't want to believe her. But then a few months into us dating, I started to see his dark side. Of course I didn't leave as we were both already to invested in eachother. But as I said, once Evie came everything got so much worse. And now that brings us to now. Where Lucas is torturing those to poor men while his fiancee is being ignored and not appreciated.

I stood up from the bed and clenched my fist. Tears flowing down my face as I punched holes into the wall. I didn't even notice the blood running down my hands.

"Woah woah, baby girl. Stop that-"

I pulled my hands away from Lucas. "Fuck off. Not like you fucking care anyways."

"I never once said that-"

"Actions speak louder than works Lucas. And your actions are what is making me feel unloved and unwanted. I stood by your sind constantly, even when it went against my beliefs. I still loved you. But what jave you been doing huh? Ignoring me, not listening when I speak, avoiding me. You're a fucking asshole Lucas Baker."

His face when to shock to angered. "I mever asked ya to stay (Y/n), you choose too.. Maybe you should of listened to Zoe, then ya wouldn't be so fucked up right now."

"You asked me to stay when you asked me to marry you. When you asked me to move in. And maybe I should of, maybe I would of had someone who actually loves me more than fucking killing people. So fuck you Lucas. You're a monster and I'm done with all of this. Done with being with you."

I pushed past him and slipped out of the room, trying not to let the tears flow. I jumped slightly as I heard his fist slam into the wall. I slowly looked back and saw him sitting on the bed, his head in hands. A sigh left my lips and I slowly turned around, making my way towards him. I bent down do I was  inbetween his legs, placing my hands on his knees.


His eyes found mine and a sigh escaped my lips. I slowly pressed my lips against his, placing my forhead on his when we pulled away.

"Not leaving?"

I shook my head. "No...just please spend time with me? I don't want to feel like this anymore."

He nodded and kissed my cheek. "Let's clean up your hands love."

End of Oneshot

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