Albert Wesker

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Game/Movie: N/A
Requested by: No One

"We need to erase her memories. Do it fast before she wakes up. Bring her to STARS when you're done. We will get her when we need her."


(Y/n) walked behind Chris and Jill, lost in thought. Troubled with what was discovered. Their Captain deceased and revealing that he was a double agent for Umbrella. But, what disturbed her the most is what Richard said to Chris before he died in front of her and Redfield. The one thing that keeps running through her mind, something that she cannot wrap her mind around.

"I h-heard someone say S-she needs to remember, they'll be c-coming for her."

The way he looked at (Y/n) when he said his final words is what really got to her. What was he talking about? Is it her memories that needed to be restored? But, Chris told her that when Albert found her that she was in a terrible accident in mission and her memories got lost. Was that a lie?

"(Y/n), are you okay?"

She got snapped out of her thoughts by Jill, forcing on a fake smile. "Y-yeah.. just can't believe the Captain was a double agent."

Chris gave her a sympathetic look, knowing she was the closet to Wesker. It didn't click in his mind until now on why Wesker was always more friendly to her than anyone else here. But, he would keep that thought to himself until this all blew over.

(Y/n)'s Pov

I sat with my back against the wall, legs extended on the railing. Staring down at the passing cars and people walking by. I never gave it much thought or looked into it before, but, was I really found in an accident? The more I put thought into it, I don't think I was. Maybe Chris would know more but what if I am right? I shook that thought out of my head and took another drag of my cigarette. But, if I really want to know, I should talk to him and find out.

"Chris? I know you're there watching me, you're not that sneaky in the shadows."

Within seconds he was in view, a troubled look on his face. "What's on your mind?"

I took a deep breath. "Did Captain Wesker find me knocked out on a mission?"

"None of us are certain on that. He showed up to STARS carrying you one night. Blood all over you and cuts and bruises. He told us you were hurt in a mission and that your name was (Y/n). That you were part of the team that was sent over to help us from a different town. That you were in the middle of transferring from them to STARS."

I slowly nodded. "It's weird...the only memories I had are from when I woke up in the infirmary. Not a single one before, I only knew my first name."

"After tonight, I looked into your file and I didn't find anything about you in the system at all."

I looked at Chris, worry in my eyes. "Then..who am I?"


After my talk with Chris I headed back to my apartment, trying to wrap my head around everything. Am I living a lie? I started to get an uneasy feeling and looked around my apartment. Only to find a man wearing a lab coat staring at me. I stared at him. Feeling like I knew him but at the same time, had no idea who this man was.

"(Y/n).. It's time to come home."

I glared at the man and drew my knife. "Who the fuck are you?"

Without saying anything he lunged towards me. Causing me to dodge his attack and knee him in the gut, giving him an uppercut to the jaw.

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